Act 0

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For as long she could remember, she build glass statues. Cold, smooth, statues. If it weren't for small girl that was one of many Masters possessions, she probably wouldn't even know how to write, or read, or anything at all. The only thing she knew, was how to create statues out of glass. The Master took all the glory, claiming that it is his hard work that made the statues seem so... lifelike. Many of the aristocrats did not believe, but kept their mouths shut, he was, after all, really powerful. 

Her Master was a man of greed, lust, and gluttony. He had piles upon piles of gold, yet he yearned for more. He had a wife, yet his hand reached out for many women. He had many dishes set out for him to eat, yet he desired more. Indeed, he was a sinful man...

She was skinny beyond words, her Master was sadistic when it came to her. Starving her for days for a mere crack in statues. She was silent and sad. She didn't knew what was outside of her dark room. The only light she knew of was the one of candles, Master didn't want to spend on her more than necessary. The only warmth she ever felt was on her hands, to feel the Sun at least for a bit, before she was dragged to do her usual work. Her hair never knew of color, nor did her eyes and soul know of happiness, just endless pain and sorrow. She was, in the end, all alone...

Slowly, her giant, dark, windowless room, was filled with glass statues that Master deemed unworthy of his eyes. She placed them in certain spots, arranged them to her will, to gain  new beauty. Sapphire, ruby, diamond, topaz, emerald, opal, amethyst, were barely few of the stones with which she dressed the statues in. She gave color to eyes, lips, nails, and occasional detail. They were beautiful beyond measure, and she could keep the all to herself...

The aristocrats held yet another ball. She can hear them, laughing and chatting away. She didn't mind. But work is work, and there is no time to lose. She has to finish her masterpiece, before she died of a terrible cold that crept in her room. Her blue tinted lips slowly puffed out clouds of steam, she didn't care. Her masterpiece awaits...

It is done. Her masterpiece is finally completed. Her now charcoal fingers slowly graze the statue, and yet, she can't feel it. The doors slam open and light pours though, revealing beauties beyond words. Statues adorned in diamond, siam, rose, peridot, and such alike glew with such colorful lights, they looked like angels, frozen forever. The man was shocked, he felt as if the higher spirit lived here all along, making these lifelike statues for Master ill will. What he saw,

was a glass statue labyrinth.

He walked along, trying to find that spirit, mother of these creations. He came across a weird statue. It looked like oddly placed books, piled up, and creating a smooth surface, big enough for a human to lie down. He reached the end, his breath disappears with the mist. The lovely mother of these statues was forever gone. Sitting on a glass throne, adorning glass jewelry, she looked like an elf, who was forever asleep. She will be remembered, forever ...

It was a mere joke when the young man said that she should be buried in a glass coffin. He was surprised when they agreed. So, here she is now, buried in glass, adorned in glass, with a tombstone made of glass. The mans work of 'art' isn't nowhere near hers, but it'll do. She is now remembered as the Lady of Glass Statues, it seems rather fitting. The Master is now stripped of his name,  glory and wealth. They heard he died in his misery at the lost fortune. To his final day, the young man still cursed him, for the pain that he caused to the young woman, in fact, he loathed him.  The gypsy was right all along...

How sad would it be, should the love of your life die at the hands of a sinful man... 

How sad indeed...

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