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Walking out of the grocery store I shivered in the January air. Drink in one hand and board in the other I took off walking in the direction I came, hoping to get back home before my parents noticed I was gone.

Feeling eyes bore into me I turned around, only to see the streets empty and dark. I looked forward again, in time to see a shadow bolt across a flickering light. Shivering, I hugged my board closer to me and clutched my can of monster against my chest. I tried to convince myself it was just a cat, to no avail, and quickened my pace, wanting to be back at home in bed, safe. Hearing footsteps I dropped my board and pushed off, the paranoia eating at me as I glided through the dimly lit streets. As I quickened my pace I heard someone, or something, else did too. Turning into and ally I looked back to try and catch a glimpse of whatever was following me. Not looking where I was going, I rammed my skateboard into a rock and fell forward, hitting my head in the process. Dazed, I sat up in time to see a man standing at the entrance of the allyway. I shot up and ran leaving my board behind. My vision blurred as I put a hand to my head and pulled it back to see red oozing from the wound. I stumbled forward and fell once again. The strange man made his way ever closer and I scooted back, my legs like jelly. Finally my back hit something which felt terrifyingly like another pair of legs. Looking behind me I saw a pair of black combat boots and dark skinny jeans. "Grab her" the one that had followed me ordered as the other pulled me up and held me close to him. I struggled, beating his chest but he only held me tighter. The guy laughed. Exhausted I gave in to his firm grip and fell limp in his arms. I guess he must have thought I had passed out as he picked me up bridal style and began carrying me off to god knows where.

Kidnapped by Escape The FateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora