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The Dedication of The Man from Over the Wall

Lady, you were loving in a time of grievous ill

Lady, and my gratitude remains within me still.

For you I put this story down, that hope may never fade

That Men bear still the Chivalry that God himself hath made.

For though the sky be dark, my friend, and times themselves did change

I would you knew that Time Alone can ne'er good friends estrange.

Though manners may be awkward and distrust be deeply grained,

'tis not my wish or effort that relations would have strained.

And now I speak my heart out in the only way I know

of modern heroism tinged with tales from long ago.

You bore with me through thick and thin, though parted we at last.

And nothing more than did you give would I have ever asked.

But stand beside me one last time, and list as I do show

This was the man I truly was, though not the one you know.

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