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When will it finally end,
When will this pain just go away,
Why can't I just force it to fade,
Everyday it builds up in my chest,
It gets harder to breath,
It gets harder to move,
It gets harder to just be,
I try so much to help,
But then it blows up in my face,
How much longer can I last,
How much longer will I be able to push back,
This pain,
This toxin,
Is making it harder for me,
Harder for me to live,
I keep feeling so sad,
I feel so upset,
Like anything and everything is just going to make me hurt even more,
I try to help others even though I hurt,
They push me away,
They get angry at me,
They make the pain even worse,
They don't notice that when I try to help,
I'm just making my pain worse ,
It makes me wonder,
When they try to help,
Will I finally be free of my pain,
Or will my pain finally be free of me?
The only difference between the two is,
One will end with me in the world,
The other with me never having to be part of it?
Right now I want to remain but,
Who knows,
Tomorrow the pain may win.

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