Fatally Gorgeous Lies

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I was on the top of the bulding, my face sweltering, although it might as well been negative thirty degrees out. i knew everything that was going to happen, yet i still managed to cringe as i saw kaeleighs face. i saw the boys hands go out and push kaeleigh off the building, and although i can't see her face, I know it's him. It has to be.

I woke up sweating, a tangled mess in my sheets. i was clutching them to my chest, and i sat up and started panting. I always woke up from this, and still i can never get used to it. Watching your best friend die, over and over again in your dreams, is not something you ever get used to. But it's in the past, and everyone says i should get over kaeleigh. But somehow, something doesn't sit right.

He was locked up two nights after she was found. three days after she was murdered. The night was last year, spring break. We had all gone to florida, and we were staying in a really expensive hotel. It was the last night that we were staying there, and he had said he was going downstairs to get us more drinks. But before i knew it, he was up with us again, pushing Kaeligh off the bulding. I dont remember half of it, due to traumatic memory loss. But the cops came the next day, and arrested him.

They arrested my boyfriend for the murder of my bestfriend.

And for whatever reason, i don't think it was him.

The real murderer is out there. and He's watching me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2011 ⏰

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