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I've been walkin' around

But not around town

In my house I stay

On computer all day

No time for parties,

no time for play

I'm alone in this world,

but surrounded by people

Life has no logic

But, everything's achievable

Men can fly,

Dogs can sing

Cats play piano

and lovers wear rings

Time's an illusion

but I still have a ton of it

Monsters don't exist

but if you see one you run from it

Everyone's a liar,

But we all tell the truth

We pretend that we're tired

But it's only an excuse

Common interests

For hating each other

So alike

In hatred we suffer.

Men cannot fly

Dogs will never sing

Cats break pianos

and dear lovers, they scream

Time's still an illusion

but I found I have a none of it

Monsters exist

And if you see one, the mirror's what you're looking in

My life's a lie

But who am I lying to?

Because sometimes I swear

I don't even know the truth.

August 23rd, 2013 4:36 AM

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