The Days to Go

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This is my first Lyric Fic! I've only read a few of these but I wanted to try one out. The song I used is Cancer by My Chemical Romance. I love this song so much, and it inspired this. (obviously)

I hope this is decently written. I've combed through it several times but if you see any mistakes please tell me! I also appreciate comments and critique! (But don't just bash my work, that's not nice.) This story was only written in two days, and I was at school! So I hope I didn't do too bad.

Well this is getting long...

Try to figure out if it's Dean or Cas that's narrating before the end. ;)


Turn away,

If you could get me a drink

Of water 'cause my lips are chapped and faded

We were reminiscing about the past. That's how it had begun years ago, and that's how it should end now.

He asked if I remembered how he had ran from his house to mine every day after school, although he lived a mile and a half away. I had bought him a bike when I found out. I saved up my allowance for a month, just to make it easier.

We shared memories of times we acted like idiots and times when we needed someone to just be there and we always were. We shared until I ran out of breath and my voice croaked. "Do you need anything?" He had asked worriedly. Water was all I said, but that wasn't all I needed. I never told him what I needed. Not until it was too late.

Call my aunt Marie

Help her gather all my things

And bury me in all my favorite colors,

My family had thought it would be a good idea to start donating my things to charity foundations. He helped me, because he was my best friend. When I couldn't find the strength to carry the boxes to the car, he did it so I wouldn't have to.

I should have been sad to see my possessions go, but there were no tears shed. I still had a few pairs of clothes to get me through whatever time I had left, and a few things I asked to be buried with.

We picked out a coffin the other day. It was hard to find one for someone who was still living, who knew they could have less days than they imagined. It was hard. Very hard.

I tested them out to find one that would fit my full length. I made sure there was extra room at the sides for my things. He picked out flowers. Green and blue. He said they reminded him of us, and our eternal friendship. Best friends forever, as he said years ago when we were seven.

Another family in the funeral home had looked upon me in pity, although they had had a devastating loss. I should have pitied them, not the other way.

My sisters and my brothers, still,

I will not kiss you,

'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you .

I wish I could have told him. I wanted to tell him. The three words seem simple to anyone else with a future, but those three words from me would have torn him apart.

I wanted to tell him before it was too late. I couldn't. Because when I'm gone all he will remember are those three words and how we could have had a future. But, I have no future. Therefore I couldn't tell him. I must keep those three words a secret for eternity.

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