Part 1

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The way he looks at me. The way he smiles and how he laughs. Everyone knew I had to laugh along with him.

"Sean!" He would call my name with such enthusiasm and excitement as if he was waiting so long to say it.

I sit alone, on my bed just sketching out random eyes in my drawing pad. Is it weird that I haven't wrote anything in a while? Why does it have to be about him specifically? As I continued practice drawing eyes over and over, I still keep thinking about it and him.

"It feels weird," I said to myself as I continued to sketch. Suddenly, my phone rings and I see the name Sweetie Bun in a large text on the phone screen.

"Jean? He rarely calls me on his phone. Plus it's almost 8 so, he would still be in work right about now." I said to myself as I picked up the phone. I tap answer and put the phone to my ear.

"Babe?" I ask, seeing if he was on the other line. "Aren't you at work?"

"Actually no. I got off a little earl. I had to do something and I neded some help with it." He responds. I raise my eyebrow in confusion and laughed a little.

"What did you need help with?" I asked, rather curious to know the details.

"Just a little cooking, that's all." He responds. I smile and get up from my bed and pace around, continuing to talk to him.

"So is your mom home?" He asks out of the blue.

"No. She went out and I'm sure she'll be back by morning." I answered.

"Oh I see. How are you by the way? Did you take your medicine?" Jean proceeded to ask. I look over at my medicine bottle with one blue pill sitting in there motionless.

"No not yet, but I will babe." I answer back while smiling.

"Hey so, you should come downstairs and open the front door." Jean says suddenly. I let out a noise of confusion as I head downstairs and open the front door.

There he was; standing there with a wide grin and a small cake in his hands while holding his cell phone. I only let out a sigh and pull him in for a small kiss.

"You did all of this for me?" I asked, trying to keep myself from letting out a squeal of pure joy.

"Yes I did. I made a small cake for a small cute boyfriend like yourself." Jean says before kissing my cheek. I blush immediately and sit down on the couch in the living room.

"Why did you do this at such a late hour?" I ask. Jean throws up his arms in absolute shock while holding onto the cake and his phone.

"Excuse me?! Late hour?! It is nearly 9!" He shouts. I laugh loudly as I get up to hug him.

"I was kidding sweetie." I say while laughing. Jean lets out a laugh and picks me up by my tiny waist.

"Whoa! Put me down!" I try to shout in a whisper while flailing in his arms.

Jean sits me down on the couch gently while we continue to laugh at each other.

"You still haven't answered my question. Why did you do this?" I repeat while smiling.

"I wanted to surprise you since you were upset yesterday and I wasn't there to do anything about it." Jean said while holding my hand tenderly.

"You didn't have to bake me a cake though! I'm fine now sweetie! Seriously!" I reassure him. He then pulls me in for a hug.

"Did someone make you upset?" He asks calmly.

"No! Baby, I'm fine!" I said, clutching onto his shirt. I look up at him and he gave me a gentle kiss on my cheek. I pull away from his chest while trying to hide my face.

"Do you want to try it?" He asks while taking off the clear wrap that covered the tiny cake. I get up and grab a plastic fork from the kitchen table. I go back over to him and take a tiny part of cake using the fork without cutting out a clean piece. I put it in my mouth and I instantly taste of heaping delicious chocolate.

"You made a chocolate cake? For me?!" I exclaimed as I continue to eat.

"Well, you are my chocolate sunshine after all." He says while winking at me. I laugh and continue to eat it.

"How long did it take to make this?"

He unzipped his jacket to show a shirt full of chocolate stains and marks.

"4 hours."

"I can tell. You look like a mess." I say while licking their chocolate icing from the fork. Jean leans in and lightly kisses my cheek.

"Thank you babe. This cake is honestly really great and I'm surprised you even baked chocolate! I'm slightly impressed." I say while grinning to him. Suddenly, I feel him hugging me from behind. The warmth from his hug fills me with a weird, but familiar feeling of happiness.


"I..don't know what my life would be like if I hadn't met you. If you haven't showed me around in our Creative Writing class in our Junior year or comforted me when I had that breakup with were there for everything and I feel bad that I am only doing so much for you as a boyfriend. Sean, you're so special to me and I wanted this evening to be memorable for you!" He says while continuing to hug me. I slowly fall back into his arms and closes my eyes as I fell the warmth of my boyfriend.

"This was a great way to celebrate our anniversary, babe." I say before falling asleep.

People may ask why I love Jean or why I'm dating him. I may have to recall this moment between us and ask when have I ever felt lke that with anyone else that I dated.

Jean is special to me. He has been there since the beginning and I hope he never leaves my side.

I clutch onto his arm as I slowly start to drift off to sleep more and more as his arm is around my neck.

"Sean, my prince, happy anniversary." He says before kissing my forehead. After that, I fell asleep on the couch as he began singing a song to me ever so softly like he would do so when I broke down that night.

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