The wedding part 1

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Hunter's POV
"Emily I love you so much. I know we've got a whole life ahead of us and this is where it starts! Emily Mary Beaton. Will you marry me?"
Happy tears start falling from her eyes and she nods leaping into my arms and kissing me! The waiters cheer and shout. "Looks like we've got an engagement! Free Champagne!" They pour out some champagne for the both of us and I smile over at Emily who is admiring her ring. It has a tiny diamond and it fits her perfectly. I know she is my future. I have a beautiful daughter and a soon to be wife. The perfect Family!


Emily's POV:
With Riley by my side, I perfect my hair. I decide to have it in my usual braided up-do, because that's how I had my hair when Hunter and I first met. However, I also have a cute vail held in place with a tiara. My dress is a strapless white one that cuts off at the waist then falls down to just below my knees. "You look beautiful!" Riley tells me. I start crying happy tears, but Riley hushes me. "Stop, Em, you'll wreck your makeup. It took me a while to get it this perfect!!"
I laugh at Riley's comment when my phone rings. It's Hunter. I answer it, happy to hear his voice.
"Hey honey."
"Hi Hunter, but isn't this bad luck?"
"It's bad luck to see the bride not talk to the bride!" He says, laughing.
I laugh too.
"Well I'll see you at our wedding!"
He says.
I say goodbye and end the call. Typical Hunter, always making me laugh! Riley rises to her feet and says "It's time."

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