Chapter 1: Taunts

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I watched Lucy as she wondered about the empty room rather slowly, using her inner senses. We were in the attic of an old building. I didn't care how old it was. Rather it was just old.

"Go any slower and you will be a sloth." I snarked as she shot me a glare over her shoulder. I was resting in the farthest corner from the door which was in the middle of the wall towards the left side of the room. A window rested in the same place on the other side of the room, leaking in star light. I was surprised it did, considering how dirty it was. "Say something. The Poltergeist will not show up till you do."

"Anything yet Luce?" Lockwood's rich voice echoed down the hall as he approached the medium-sized room. He appeared in the door way and leaned against the wooden doorframe. I rolled my eyes at the immediate change in Lucy. I could sense the increase to her heart beat as Lockwood stared at her, waiting for a response.

"Oh, why don't you just kiss him already?" I groaned as she ignored me.

"According to the skull, there is another visitor here and it is a poltergeist." She whispered and looked at him, never breaking her stance. I huffed before a grin curled my lips.

Lucy's back went rigid when I stared making kissing sounds. She slowly turned around and glared at me. If looks could kill . . . It wouldn't affect me in any way at all. I winked at her as Lockwood followed her gaze.

He frowned and pulled his sunglasses down. He raised an eyebrow as I turned to him and made kissy faces before looking at Lucy then back at him. I wiggled my eyebrows as Lockwood's frown turned into a scowl. I grinned, he had caught my meaning.

He returned his gaze to Lucy who was glaring at me. She had watched me the whole time. I winked at her before blowing her a kiss. She ground her teeth and looked up, feeling Lockwood watching her. "So we have a Poltergeist here with us?" He sighed. "George didn't find any other deaths here." He pushed his sunglasses back up his nose and folded his arms. "And I've only seen one death glow. It's very bright."

"You two are alone now." I grinned as Lockwood and Lucy both looked at me. "Well? What are you waiting for? Make him yours." I purred the last three words. Lucy glowered at me. I turned to Lockwood to see him remove his glasses and look at Lucy with a question never asked as Lucy shook her head.

He sighed. "More insults?"

"Something like that." She huffed. Lockwood may not be able to hear me but he could sense whenever I spoke and see my actions. Too bad Lucy is the only one who can hear me. I would love to see how far I could go taunting Lockwood before he finally snaps.

I wiggled my eyebrows at him at them both before making kissy faces again. I love riling Lucy and the only way I really could, and truly found joy in, was teasing her about Lockwood.

He was tall and slender with a narrow face. He had messy black hair while his eyes were dark brown but bright at the same time. He always wore a white shirt beneath a black vest and black trench coat. He also wore a tie. His black pants resting on the tops of his shoes. I scoffed at Lockwood's attire.

"Must he always dress like that?" I sneered as Lucy rolled her eyes. A whistle tore through the air, signaling that the tea was done. A grin split Lockwood's face as put his sunglasses back on. He whirled around and disappeared into the dark. "Hey, hey, hey, Lucy. Take me with you," she stared at me before releasing a sigh.

She made her way towards the door. "I cannot help you find the source if I remain here the whole time." I whined as she froze and grumbled under her breath before facing me. I grinned as she approached and picked up the black bag I lied within.

"Then look for it." She snarled as I scoffed.

"It is still early. The ghosts haven't even stirred yet." I said hotly as she shook her head. "Now about you and Lockwood . . ." I smirked as she growled.

Lucy did not think she was pretty. She had short brown hair. It ended at her shoulders. She was slender and tall. Not as tall as Lockwood though. She also had full pouty lips.

She always wore black, like Lockwood and George. Black boots, black leggings, black miniskirt that reached three inches above her knees and a long sleeved shirt with a black jacket over it. In other words, fancy. Like Lockwood.

I sighed. "Why is it you and Lockwood dress like you are going to a Fitts party while George, my torture, wears a black t-shirt, jeans and tennis shoes?"

"You should ask George that." She snapped as she jabbed her elbow into the jar to silence me. I grinned. It didn't do anything to me. It just hurt her.

"But you are the only one who can hear me." I whined as she shook her head, making her way down the stairs. I fell silent as she approached the kitchen. The candle in the center of the table flickering about like a firefly.

"Why did you bring the skull with you?" Lockwood asked as he brought a tea cup to his lips. He was sitting neatly at the table while George made a mess with a biscuit he was eating. I scrunched my nose in disgust at the fatty.

I rolled my eyes at the increase heartbeat of Lucy. "Just snog him already."

"He threatened to clam up if I didn't bring him along."

"Well, alright then." Lockwood sighed and eyed me before returning to his papers he had asked the client to fill out.

"I know how Lockwood feels about you." I whispered tauntingly as Lucy groaned and dropped me on the floor next to a random chair. She glared at me as George looked up at her. Lockwood peered over his papers, raising an eyebrow.

"Just focus on finding the sources," she hissed as she glared at me. I would shrug if I had shoulders.

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