Part 1

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Swan Song-Lana Del Rey

Present Time
A man and his wife of two years walked down the street with there fingers intertwined. The day was coming to an end when the wife looked out over the horizon and out into the ocean. She stopped and walked over to railing with her husband trailing behind her. She look down over at the waves crashing against the rocks down below in a short distance. Her husband wrapped his arms around her. "What are you thinking about?" He whispered in her ear.
She thought for a moment but then realized, "Nothing, actually." She was completely content, completely happy. "I'm just happy. I'm not sure what it is but I feel like everything is just right."
"Well that's good to know." He kissed her on the cheek from behind.
While still staring out onto the rocks she absent mindedly said, "Grant, tell me a story." This is something that they did often. She loved listening to him tell her stories or wild tales. The way he told her would alway make her feel like she's sitting on the edge of her seat. So soft and yet full of anticipated mystery.
"What about?" He asked.
"Tell me a story about the waves." She said breathlessly.
He smiled to himself. "Oh I have the perfect story for that."

December 4th, 1944
There was once this Russian mobster. He was powerful and ruthless with skin as tough as an Indian rubber ball. But at the very core of that ball was a soft spot that was held for one specific person. His daughter was the only thing he really cared for and he had no trouble killing for her. They had came to America years earlier when she was the age of 12.
But she was now a woman at the age of 19. She was breathtaking, with her porcelain skin, her beautiful curves, and bright red locks that were irresistible to any man. Her name? Natalia Romanova.
But this date, December 4th, this very date is a most important one. Because on the date Natalia decided that she would explore more than just the streets she was used to seeing everyday. She decided that she was tired of seeing the life of the rich and upper class, she wanted to see how the other half lived. But she was sure to not tell her father where she was going because he told her that she must never go on the other side of the city, because it was dangerous. Of course her curious mind got the better of her.
When she arrived in this forbidden side of town, her heart ached for them. They were poor and hungry. But as she walked down the streets she saw children playing. Stickball she believed it was called. She noticed though that through all this poverty, these people were content and happy. They somehow found peace in the struggle.
She came upon a tavern and decided to step in and have a quick drink. She sat down at a booth and asked for straight up vodka. After she had finished her drink she got up to leave but she was stopped by a drunkard.
"Well you're very pretty aren't you?" He leaned in close with the smell of whiskey on his breath. She scooted back a little in her seat. "What's wrong? I don't bite. Well, maybe a little." He leaned in closer causing her to lean back until her back hit the wall.
She now thought she should of listened to her father. "You don't know who you're messing with." She warned.
He wasn't phased by her words. "Don't I now?"
"Дорогой Боже, помоги мне." She prayed to God and it's seemed as if he heard her prayers. The man was pulled back by another. Now standing in front of her was a tall, strong statured man. "Leave the lady alone." His voice was in a low and husky growl. He reared back and gave the drunkard and hard right hook, causing him to fall to the ground.
He looked back over at Natalia, who was still pressed against the wall.
"Are you okay?" His blue eyes stared softly into her frightened green ones. She shook her head not wanting to say anything. "Good." He reached out his hand for her to grab. "Let's go. We have to hurry."
Not really thinking, she grabbed his hand and they raced out the door of the tavern. They ran down the block and turn the corner before stopping. They both took a break before speaking. "My name is Steven by the way, Steven Rogers but everyone else calls me Steve cause they think Steven is too proper." She smiled lightly at his accent, it was improper but charming.
"I like Steven, it's a man's name." He was just now realizing that he was standing in front of a very beautiful woman. He couldn't help but stare at her perfection. She was like an enchanting fairytale. Her hair was a beautiful shade of ember red. Her eyes glowed green and seemed to hold mystery. But he couldn't help but travel down to her lips. They way they pursed together and curved in to a small unnoticed smile. He couldn't help but think about kissing them but knew that was not appropriate considering they had only just met.
He was suddenly brought back to reality when she touched his arm.
"I'm sorry Mr. Rogers but I have to go. My father can't know where I've been."
"Mr. Rogers is my father. Like said, people call me Steve." He smiled.
"Wait. You never told me your name."
"It's Natalia." She simply answered not giving her last name. She leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you. Steven." She looked up at him and smirked. She turned and started to hurry down the sidewalk.
But something in him thought that he was not going to let a gorgeous dame such as her go. He chased after her. "Natalia wait!" He panted as he caught up to her. "I want to see you again. Will you please come back tomorrow? Or maybe I could come to see you." Her eyes widened in fear.
"No! You mustn't know where I live. It's dangerous."
He took ahold of her small soft hands. "Then come back tomorrow. Please."
"Alright. Alright. But I have to be careful. If my father finds out..." She trailed off ending her sentence in Russian.
"Then I'll see you. Let's meet here tomorrow, same time."
"Okay but I have to go." She said anxiously.
"Okay, goodbye." He let go of her hands and watched her race off.
That night he laid in bed thinking about her and only her. It didn't know it was possible to fall in love with someone he had only met hours ago. After all, love was a hard thing to find in this day and age. That's why there were so many movies that seemed to be about nothing but love. But now he didn't seemed to mind them so much because he knew now what that felt like.
Natalia went home thinking about how strange the man she had met was. Why had he been so desperate to see her again? He was odd but she promised to meet him tomorrow and for some reason she didn't seem to find any harm or danger in this. Something about him made her feel safe and though she had only just met him, she felt she could trust him. His looks weren't any problem either. She thought of his sparkling but dark blue eyes that almost made him look sickly, like when she was sick and her eyes turned a beautiful color of green and blue mixed. She walked down the hall and stopped at her fathers study. She knocked on the door. "Come in." She heard from the other side.
She walked in. "Hello papa." She gave him a smile. She no doubtedly loved her father but he was unbearably overprotective.
"How is my little Russian princess?" He asked returning a warm smile.
"I'm fine papa. I just came to say goodnight." She came around his desk and hugged him.
"Goodnight princess." He gave her a kiss goodnight. She walked back out and softly closed the door.
"So, where's my goodnight kiss?" A familiar voice came up behind her. She turned around, it was Jerome, one of her fathers men. He was also an old flame of hers, but she was 16, young, and stupid at the time and he was a mistake she would not make twice. The only reason he was still here was because her father was very close to his before he died. After that, he kind of took him under his wing and became like a son to him.
"What do you want Jerome?" She asked in a low whisper.
"I think you know what I want princess." He smirked.
"Don't call me that." She spat. "And what ever you're looking for, I can guarantee you won't get it out of me." She turned and sashayed down the hall.
"I'm going to get you back." He said confidently.
"иди к чертy." She turned the corner and left him there.
The next day had went on as usual until that afternoon, when she snuck out to meet Steve. They spent the entire day talking about theirselves and who they were.Of course, there were some things that Natalia left out.
Steve however, was willing to spill everything about himself.
He had told her of how his parents were Irish immigrants who had came to America during the first World War. He also technically wasn't an immigrant considering he was born on the ship that had brought them over. So he really doesn't have a nationality, even though his parents tell him he's full blooded Irish through and through. He also has a 13 year old brother named James and a dog named Bucky. They're not sure what kind he is though, they found him out on the street and Steve begged his parents to take him in, so he's probably just a mutt.
"So all of you live together in one tiny apartment?" She asked.
"Well we used to but I finally got a well enough paying job to get a place. It's small too but it's enough for a man and his dog. And it's in the same building so it's really like I never left. I come by for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I never have to cook." He grinned which earned him a laugh.
"So what's your home like?" He asked as they stepped into a shop.
"Oh well it's nice. It's large and I have enough room to fit in your family five times. Actually my father owns the entire place." She explained.
"Gee." Steve breathed. "You must have a lot of money then." He looked down. "I guess that's why you're so pretty. I mean, not that you wouldn't be pretty if you weren't. I just mean that- that you uh dress nice. But you're pretty too." He was blushing now and she couldn't help but smile.
"Thank you, Steven." She said fiddling with a trinket on the counter.
"Gorgeous actually." He mumbled.
"What was that?" She looked up at him.
"Nothing." He said quickly. "So who is your father?" He asked.
Her smile quickly faded as she barely made contact with his. "You know this medicine box is very lovely. I think I'll buy it." She changed the subject.
"Nonsense, I can't let you pay for that." He said taking the box.
"Steven, it's alright. I can afford it." She didn't want him to waste what money he needed on her.
"Please let me do this." His eyes begged and she could hear the sense of pride in his voice and in no way wanted to damage that pride.
"As you wish." She sighed.
The rest of the day went on as it had before and when they parted she promised to see him again. And she did. The next day, and the next and so forth, of course, there meetings could not be every day so they started meeting twice a week. Those were the only two days of the week that Steve looked forward to.
But one day he asked her why she would never let him kiss her. She then told him it was because she believed a kiss to be the most intimate thing that any two people were to do. That it should be shared by two people that loved each other completely, wholly, and equally. Only then would she kiss someone and every feeling felt in that kiss would be real.
He understood and didn't mind if she didn't love him the way he had always loved her. He would wait and he knew that patience was a virtue and that she was worth it. He loved her, even if he didn't know her last name. He must be crazy or sick to do something so foolish. But he didn't give a damn.
Three months had went by as they continued with their secret encountings. But finally, after two weeks of pestering from his brother and mother he asked up the courage to ask her to have dinner with his family. She agreed but was still all too nervous at the thought. Before she left her home she thought about what she looked liked. Her clothing and jewelry stood out like a peacock in a flock of pigeons. She decided to stop on the way and buy a plain dress because she would never want to hurt their pride or make them feel inferior. She thought about how that was the difference between her and her father. He would go out of his way just to show them how rich and powerful he was. And that was another problem, she knew under no circumstances would her father approve of Steve because of his poverty and she was not about to tell him he was Irish. Russians and the Irish aren't fond of each other so that would definitely do him over.
She stopped and got her a different dress to wear, it was plainly, but had a floral pattern that still gave it a sweet simple look. When they arrived, the door swung open and they were greeted by his mother. She looked Natalia up and down before attacking her with a bear hug. "It's- nice to- meet you- Mrs. Rogers." Natalia tried speaking through her grip.
"Ma, don't kill her!" A young boy popped his head around the corner.
She let go of her and they both straighten their dresses out.
"I'm so sorry. It's nice to meet you too." Natalia was taken aback by his mothers beautiful Irish accent. It wasn't thick but it was noticeable. "You can call me Sarah. Please come in, don't want either of ya gett'n a cold."
They stepped inside and Natalia observed the quaint little home. It was warm and comfy. She looked around and saw a few pictures on the wall and walked over to them. "Steven, is this one you?" He walked over to her.
"Oh no that's-" he was interrupted.
"That's me." His younger brother said. "I'm James. I was pretty cute wasn't I?" He gave a cocky smirk. "Glad to say nothing changed."
"Yeah, you still got those baby cheeks and you whine like one too." Steve pulled on his ear.
"Hey! Let go!" James started hitting him and soon enough they ended up in the floor wrestling.
"Boys! Get your senses straight! We have company and you don't want to scare her off do you?" Sarah pulled them up off the floor.
"I think you already did that, Ma." James said.
She grabbed him by the ear. "Just go get your father. He can't hear me to save his own life." He pulled away from her. "Okay I'm going! Jesus Christ!" He growled.
"Okay after supper you're getting a nice mouthful of soap. How many times have I told ya, this household will not take the Lords name in vain!" She scolded.
"But Ma!"
"That's enough out of you now go get your father." She turned her attention back on Natalia. "I'm so sorry about that. You raise two boys you have to learn to be tough. Plus it's hardly like this." She explained.
"Actually it's always like this." Steve informed, earning a scowl from his mother.
"I told you to never make a liar out of me. Even when I am. It's disrespectful." She gave him a hug. "Don't do it again. Just because you're a grown man doesn't mean I or your father can't bend you over our knee and give you a couple licks with that old belt of his." "Yes ma'am." Natalia smiled as she watched this endearing moment.
She wished her family was as close as this. She wished she had siblings to tease or to even look up to. Sure it was nice being just her and her father but it was often lonely.
She was brought out of her thoughts when Sarah started talking to her. "Steve never told us you were such a pretty little thing. Of course he hasn't told us hardly anything about you."
She blushed at the compliment. "Thank you Mrs. Rogers."
"I told you to call me Sarah. Now c'mon, while we're waiting on Joseph you can help me set the table." She took her hand and led her to the kitchen. "I hope you like vegetables soup. I would normally put meat in it but with the war go'n on, rations are hard on us. But don't worry I have berry shortcake in the oven tight now." She gave her a warm smile.
"Oh that's alright. I don't mind. Anything is fine with me." Sarah handed her some plates and she placed them on the place mats. While she did this, she watched Sarah. She was small framed, but Natalia knew not be fooled by her size after her earlier encounter with her. She was fair but hard work and time showed her age, and she had beautiful blonde locks and now she knew where Steve had gotten it from.
"So why does Steven not have an accent like you?" She asked.
"Well he grew up here and wasn't really accustomed to it except me and his father. But I'll let you in on a secret." She drew closer to her. "He does have one a little bit but he hides it. Like he's embarrassed or something!" She acted appalled but lightly laughed.
Natalia was enjoying this time with Sarah, she was only eight when her own mother died so she didn't have a mother during times when she probably needed her most.
As they finished up setting the table, Sarah called for the boys to come and eat. One by one they all followed in. Mr. Rogers was the last in line she looked up at the tall, stout man. Steve was at least a head shorter than him.
After she was aquatinted with him they all sat down. She sat at the end between Steve and Sarah. James was across from her and Joseph sat at the head of the table.
"Joseph go ahead and say blessing." Sarah said. They all joined hands and bowed their heads. Natalia wasn't exactly used to this type of traditional family dinner. It had probably been years since she had a actual home cooked meal. And she new her house maids cooking didn't count.
Steve lightly squeezed her hand, she slightly looked over and he smiled at her. She smiled back and before she closed her eyes she looked up and saw James winking at her. Steve kicked his leg and he kicked back but before they could start another fight Sarah gave them a look and they quit.
After grace had been said and there was a long silence of eating, Sarah decided to speak first. "So why don't you tell us a little about yourself." She suggested.
"Okay well I'm from Russia but I moved to America when I was twelve."
"Wait, you're Russian? Irish don't like Russians." James blurted out.
"James, don't be so rude!" Sarah smacked the back of his head.
The twelve year old scrunched his freckled nose. "What, it's a well known fact." He explained.
"That enough out of you." Joseph said. "It's okay, really we don't mind." He told her. "Where do you live?"
She knew these questions were coming but she decided that it wouldn't hurt. "I live on the upper east side."
"Whoa. So are you like, rich or someth'n?"
"James!" They shouted in unison.
"No it's fine." She smiled. "But I guess you could say that."
"Well isn't that nice?" Sarah said. "So who are your parents?"
Oh God, this wasn't good. She prayed that they wouldn't ask that but she should of known better. They would be stupid not to. "Well, my mother died when I was eight." She looked over at Steve. She wanted to run. Maybe she could. Maybe she could just leave and never have to deal with them again. Never see them again.
Sarah looked concerned. "Sweetie, what's wrong?"
"I'm sorry but I don't think I can do this. You might think differently of me. If you even thought good of me at all."
"Natalia, it's okay. You can tell us." Steve squeezed her hands.
She breathed heavy. "Um okay. My father is Frankie Romanova."
The room became silent as utensils dropped into plates. Eyes stared at her but quickly looked around. She looked down focusing on her soup not daring to say another word.
"Well, who's ready for shortcake?" Sarah got up and walked over to the counter and got the pan. She passed it around when it got to Natalia she finally spoke. "You all have been so wonderful but I think I need to leave." She stood up but Sarah grabbed her arm.
"Nonsense. If there's one thing I've learned it's that people should not be judged by who their parents are." She gave her a knowing eye. "You can pick your friends but you can't pick your family. Now sit down." No one had ever spoke to her like that. She was quite shocked but stood frozen. "You might want to listen to her." Steve whispered. She slowly sat back down.
"Geez ma, no need to start World War 3 at the dinner table." James muttered. Natalia didn't mean to but some how a short but noticeable laugh had escaped her lips.
Her eyes widened as she covered her mouth. "I'm sorry."
What came to her surprise is that Joseph sat with his head down and his shoulders began to shake as he inwardly laughed. Next was James and Steve. Eventually they were all laughing except for Sarah who was try her best not to smile but her emotions were fighting her hard.
After the air was cleared and dinner was over, she stayed to help clean up. "That was a very wonderful meal Mrs.-- I mean Sarah."
"Thank you dear. It was my pleasure." She washed another dish while Natalia dried. "There's a certain feel of gratitude and satisfaction I get when doing for my family. I mean sure there's women out there fighting for equal rights and jobs and I do think that's wonderful but that's not meant for me."
"I believe I can see where your coming from. I haven't really met anyone with this view of it before." She dried another plate and set it aside.
"So tell me. Have you ever thought about this stuff? A family I mean." Sarah asked.
"Oh well I haven't given it much thought but after spending the evening with all of you and seeing what it's like to see people who love and care for one another, I do actually think it would be a nice life."
"And this life, is there anyone particular you see spending it with?" A smile curved up on her face as she watched Natalia blush.
"Ma, stop pestering her." A large feeling of relief washed over when Steve came in.
"Who, me? Well I never." She joked.
He looked down at his watch. "Ma, it's getting late, we should be going now."
"Well that's a pity." She dried her hands. "It was nice to finally meet you." She gave her a hug.
"Again thank you for having me."
"Our pleasure. Hope to see ya around more often." Sarah winked. "Don't forget what I said." Natalia wasn't sure what she was exactly talking about but she was almost certain that she meant what she said about her father, or perhaps she was meaning everything she had said in general.
"Goodbye, Ma." Steve said, trying to stop his mother's mischief.
After she had said her goodbyes and Steve finally pried his brothers hands off of her, he shut the door behind them.
She stood there a moment contemplating that last question Sarah had asked her before Steve walked in. She knew all too well what she meant but the question was whether or not she did. In a way she did, she knew though that that life was not as easily offered to her as a set of pearl earrings. A sudden thought crossed her mind, what was she doing? Why was she doing this to herself if she saw no chance for a future. If she doesn't stop this now, it's going to end badly and she'll only put him in danger. She knew it would hurt him but it was better than putting his life on the line.
"Is something wrong?" He noticed that she was troubled in mind.
"Steven, your family is so nice and you are quite possibly the most wonderful man that I've met." She wouldn't dare look in his eyes. "But- I don't think we can continue see each other."
Worry washed over is face. "But why?"
"Because I can't put you in danger more than I already have." She turned to walk away but he grabbed her wrist.
"Wait, none of that matters to me. I love you." His voice was calm despite how angry he should be.
She started to break down at his last three words. "Please don't say that. You can't love me because we can't be together. My father will never let me be with you." She started quietly crying.
"That doesn't matter to me. I'm not worried about him." He slid his hand down into hers.
"But you should be!" She said a little louder than she meant. He pressed his forehead to hers. "You should be." She repeated in a whisper. Now she couldn't look anywhere but his eyes and she felt pain pierce through her when she looked into those sickly blue eyes.
They stayed in that position a few more moments before he spoke. "Okay." He swallowed hard. "But at least come with me. I have something for you. And there's one other family you haven't met."
She nodded in agreement and followed him up to his apartment. But she intends to say her goodbye after that. When they opened the door they were greeted by a large and playful dog. His fur was tan and black and a little shaggy. He had a long snout and large brown eyes.
"This his Bucky." Steve informed. He sniffed and Natalia, getting used to her scent.
"He's very pretty to be a mutt." He jumped up and rested his front paws on her dress.
"Down boy." Steve ordered and he obeyed. "Yeah, I make sure to keep him clean and well fed. You should've seen him when I first found him."
She bent down to pet him. "Well it's seems you've done a fine job." She smiled as the dog licked her hand.
"He seems to like you." He smiled at her. "C'mon. You're gift is in here."
She follows him to his bedroom where he had her gift put away in a dresser. When he gets it out, it's a beautiful antique locket. He tells her it was his mothers and her mothers before that. It was the only thing they had that was worth anything when they came over seas. They had with no worth except for that locket. At first she refused in taking such a gift but he insisted. When he placed it around her neck she realized that this locket represented something.
He was giving her something that represented his own self worth in a way. It represented that this man, this poor soul was willing to, in a sense, give up everything he had for her. Someone who had nothing, and he was willing to give her, someone who had more than she needed, everything he had. And that was everything that she's ever wanted. Someone that loved her completely when she loved them back. She suddenly brought him into a passionate kiss.
He knew what this meant, he knew now how she felt. He kissed her back as her delicate fingers laid on either side of his face. She let a few more tears fall onto her already tear stained face. "я люблю тебя." She whispered. She kissed him once more, she didn't want to let him go. Not now. For the moment, she didn't give a damn what her father would think. She didn't give a damn if he was poor, she wanted to be with him even if that meant giving up everything. "Займись со мной любовью." He looked down and saw the way her watery eyes begged. He didn't know a lick of Russian but he suddenly knew every word she spoke. "Please." She begged before kissing him once more and that was all he needed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2016 ⏰

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