What I Would Do

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Gilan sat astride Blaze on the cobblestone street of Redmont, clasping his hands tightly against each other. He didn't wait very long.

Heart in his throat, he dismounted and walked to the door of Jenny's little hut house. Blaze nickered encouragingly behind him.

He stood for a minute on the top step, his hand hesitantly hovering in front of the wooden door. He sucked in a deep breath, puffed his chest, and knocked.

His knock resounded throughout the building, lasting to the kitchen, where it reached Jenny's ears and beckoned her to the door.

She wasn't expecting any visitors, so she half-heartedly opened the door, but she was still thinking about the offer to her about having her own restaurant.

She blinked slowly when she saw Gilan awkwardly standing on the porch, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. She smiled and took in his sorry sight.

"Oh," she started playfully, "what brings you here, Gil?"

He stood silent for a good while, until an impatient reminder from Blaze stirred him to speak.

"Ah, um..." he trailed off nervously. "Um, I just... I wanted to know, um..."

Jenny giggled and grabbed his hand, pulling him into her house. She led the surprised Ranger into her kitchen, where she hastily sat him down in a chair and shoved a white handkerchief in his lap.

"Wait here," she distractedly told him, "I've just got to put the finishing touches on these plum tarts."

Gilan loved plum tarts. However, he was highly stressed, and he only flinched at the words instead of licking his lips.

He sat in his own sweat for a long minute until Jenny had finished with her pastries and brought them, steaming, to the table. She began to cut them into little squares and separating them.

She pulled a plate from the cupboard and set a gooey pastry on it, then turned to her counter.

"Now where did I leave that powdered sugar...?"

As she was searching, Gilan fingered the small engraved box in his pocket, sweating even more. "Uh, Jenny?"

"Yes? Oh-"

She held up a small container of fluffy white material. "Here it is."

She carried it back to the table and sprinkled some on top of the pastry. She managed a glance over at Gilan as she worked and saw he seemed uncomfortable.

"My goodness, Gil, you look like you just ran from Seacliff all the way here!"

He froze. Sweat was now pouring off of his forehead.

"Why, you're sweating! Here, this will make you feel better."

With that, she took a fork, stabbed the plum tart, and shoved it into Gilan's mouth.

Jenny sat back, pleased, as Gilan absentmindedly chewed and swallowed. After he'd finished he wasted no more time.

"Hey, listen..."

Jenny cocked her head. "What's wrong? Don't you like it?"

Gilan closed his eyes and sighed. "No, I like it. It's just... I need to ask you something."

"Oh. Ask away!"

He slit open his eyes and pulled out the box from his pocket.

"Will you marry me?"

Jenny blinked, wide-eyed at him. "Gilan, I..."

The Ranger kept his position, gritting his teeth until he got the answer.

"Gil, I don't know. I really like you but I don't think it would work out."

Gilan was taken aback. He'd had his heart set on this day, thinking that she would immediately tell him yes.

"W-why not?" he stuttered.

Jenny shook her head. "Oh, Gil. You see, I was offered a chance to have my own restaurant, and if I marry you, well... I wouldn't be able to accept that."

Gilan began sweating again, becoming slightly hysterical.

"What? Yes you would! You perfectly would. There's no problem with that."

Jenny's eyes glistened with small tears. "Gil, I would be too busy."


"I'm sorry."

The rest of the night was almost too painful for Gilan to bear. He couldn't sleep at all or eat; he was grief-stricken to the soul. He wondered to himself how he was ever going to win Jenny's hand.

Lying in his bed, he spoke softly to himself, crying.

"Jenny, I love you..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2016 ⏰

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