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The sun was rising in the land of Equestria, and all alicorn, unicorn, pegasai, and earth ponies from all over had come to celebrate the birth of Prince Solaris and Princess Celestia's son named Dusk Shine. When they had all gathered, Spike who is Prince Solaris's advisor came up to him, and bowed. Prince Solaris smiled and nodded at him. Just then, a zebra named Zecora was making her way towards Prince Solaris as she passes ranks of ponies who bowed to her. Prince Solaris created stairs with his magic, and Zecora climbed them to where the prince was standing. Prince Solaris and Zecora hugged each other before they looked at Princess Celestia who was sitting on the floor and holding onto her and her husband's son. Prince Solaris nuzzled his wife, and then she nuzzled their foal who turned to look at Zecora as his father leaned to get a better look at him.

Zecora smiled down at Dusk Shine before she took our a stick with a little rattle on it and shook it above the foal as he tried to reach for it. Zecora then took a large piece of fruit and cracked it in two. She then placed the juice on Dusk Shine's brow, and then she placed sand she collected before on the foal's brow. Dusk Shine got sand in his nose, and he sneezed. Prince Solaris and Princess Celestia just smiled as Zecora picked him up, and looked at his parents who nodded with approval. Zecora then went out to the balcony, and held Dusk Shine up in the air for the ponies to view. The ponies cheered and applauded as they looked at Dusk Shine. The clouds parted and a sunbeam highlighted Zecora and Dusk Shine, and all the ponies bowed one by one. Thus, the ceremony ended.

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