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His name was Oliver. He was the cutest boy in the entire 9th Grade. Not gonna lie, he was adorable. He was straight, though. I was just an antisocial, frugal homosexual. I wasn't even openly gay. I hated myself for it. Wait...Hold up.
Let's get something out of the way. Hi! My name is Jackson. Jackson Kramer. I am in a pickle. If you didn't notice already, I have a crush. His name is Oliver. Oliver Beakley. We're in the same grade and we sit next to each other in three classes. Oliver is always hanging out with all of the fancy guys who's dad's own freaking country clubs. Where my friend Annie and I just talk about nothing and Oliver. God I love that boy. He's blond and has brown eyes. He plays lacrosse and is best friends with my neighbor. I text Oliver sometimes but that's the only time I ever really talk to him. It's weird.

I was standing by my locker. When all of a sudden, Annie came up to me. "Jackson, I need to tell you something." She says, fast. "Oh God Annie, what is it?" I asked, worried. "I was talking to Oliver and he started flirting with me. I asked him about you and he said, and I quote, you were a 'cool guy who seems misunderstood' and then I accidentally told him you were gay." Annie tried to make everything okay, while I was hyperventilating. Unfortunately, my phone buzzed. It was Oliver. "Holy shitterdoodles on a cocker spaniel. Oliver texted me." Annie's face turned white. I looked at my phone. 'Hey Jackson. I have a question. Are you gay? Just wondering.' Crap. I asked Annie how to respond. "Just say you are and get it over with. Then send him a really long paragraph about how you like and ADORE him." Worth a shot. 'Oliver, to answer your question, yes I am gay. I am a FLAMING homosexual. And I need to talk to you in the parking lot after school today.'


This is just something I decided to try out. For all you reading this. I hope you like it and I might carry on with it.

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