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A spiral of absolute horror fills a coin continuously,

for its opposing nature casts no shadow of delightful mercy.

On one side, the coin has a great opulent value,

While on the obverse side, it depicts severe poverty.

It is due to this unbalance of opposing powers,

that this coin can decide a whole fate in one toss.

Ahh! But what if that coin stood still?

What type of fate shall thou suffer in now?

Well if two currents make a twister,

and if every brother had a sister,

We can then expose the hidden bond of neutrality embedded within life.

O, but recall that the true form of neutrality is isolation,

for it is only the one that secludes himself ( or herself ) from the outside world,

that can comprehend the true value of zero,

A value that is negatively positive to all matter.

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