Cold Night in Pherae

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It was that time of year, winter in the Lycian League. The wind blowing at high miles per hour. The winter in Lycia isn't harsh as the northeastern nation of Ilia, where they are blizzards and snowstorms, but this year it was different in Lycia. Lycia was witnessing it's first snowstorm in ages. The citizens of Lycia are not prepare for the sudden chill.
The marquess of Ostia, Lord Hector told the people to take shelter and bundle up the kids and elderly as much as possible. Lord Eliwood, the Marquess of Pherae is also helping the people as much as he could. He lend a young girl his cape and told her to evacuate and stay in the castle. The people are all terrified and are freezing. No casualties have been reported, but many are affected.
"Eliwood get inside. I think we got everyone."
"Make sure! We can't let anyone out on these low temperatures." The red head lord said as he was looking around to find his fiancée. "Have you seen Ninian? I can't find her!"
"She's probably inside helping Lyn. Come and get your ass in here before you freeze to death!"
Eliwood reluctantly obeyed. As he got in, he immediately started to search for his lover. He was growing desperate every passing minute.
"Ninian! Ninian where are you!?"
The people are in distress to see one of their lords desperate.
"Eliwood calm down! You're scarying the people."
Eliwood couldn't calm down. He wants to see his lover.
"Ninian...where are you..."
Then the Sacean noblewoman appears to the two lords and sees her friend discomfort.
"Eliwood what happened?"
"Ninian... Do you know where is she at?"
"I thought she was with you?"

Gods no... Elimine where is she... Ninian...

"She was..but I was helping the people and once I turn around...she's gone..."
Lyn started to rub Eliwood's back while Hector was asking the people if they have seen Ninian.
Eliwood gets up without warning.
"Eliwood? Where are you-"
Lyn was cut off when Eliwood slams the door and runs to find Ninian.
Hector rushes outside and Lyn follows him.
"No you stay here and help the people, I'll get him."
"Okay, but be careful out there. It only gets worst every minute."
Hector nods. "Of course! Just watch these people. I'm counting on you." The Ostian leader opens the door, but the blizzard was harsh. Unfortunately he couldn't follow his friend at this state.
"Damn! Eliwood!!!"

Eliwood was stopped by the snow. The low temperatures were too much for the lord.
"No... I can't..."
He was then on one knee and started to breath heavily. He covers his ears with his clothes and tries to get up, but falls again.
The storm got worst and worst. The blizzard caused so much shivering to the lord. Hypothermia, Eliwood may be suffering by hypothermia.
"Ninian.... I love you...."
The lord collapses and is unconscious, until he hears his Dragon Lady's voice.
"Lord Eliwood... I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry..."
Eliwood was laying on the snow as he then felt the warm touch of his lover on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2016 ⏰

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