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Most people don't like people like me.
They think that we are some kind of monsters.
I know better though, we are just human like everyone else.
We just have a slight difference about us...........

Hi my name is Breeze. I come from a race of element wielders. We wield the elements, in other words, I can control an element. My element is air. It's kind of funny. My name is Breeze and I wield air. My people seem to think that when you are born, whatever you're element is you have to be named after your respectful element. The element wielders usually keep to themselves. We don't associate with people in the outside world because, well, they usually try and kill us when they see us. They think that were demons, which is really dumb considering all we do is make water and air do our biding... Ok now that I really think about if someone wielded air earth fire and water. I would be scared that they would try and kill me too. Well that wouldn't be possible really because I can just protect myself with the air around me. Also element wielders can do a really cool thing too, when we run outta energy, we can just eat our element! Cool huh? It replenishes our lost energy. Ok now I see how that would freak somebody out hahahaha........ I'm going to go a little into the history of my people and how we went into hiding.
It started a couple hundred years ago. The element wielders were prosperous. We once populated the whole world, we lived in harmony with the Blanks. We were originally from the land now known as America, back then it was called Remestris. That's what we call people who can't use the elements. Anyways we lived in peace with them, but after a while they started to get very jealous. It started very small, like little taunts from the Blank kids, they would pelt my ancestors and call them mean names like Freaks and Unnatural. They would follow Momsie, my great great grandma, home and throw eggs at her house, I know these things because my family told me, but soon after a while the taunts turned into threats. The Blanks threatened to mass murder us if we didn't leave and find another place to live. At first the wielders were indifferent to the threats. Telling their kids that the threats were empty and that the were not going to follow through on them.

To be completely honest they couldn't be more dead wrong... The Blanks army came through one day while the wielders were sleeping. They....They killed soooo many people! The wielders were powerless. Our morals taught us that killing others was wrong! So we couldn't do anything..... even the fire wielders were no match for them... So they fled... they went a long way before they came to this spot of land. Its somewhere in Asia I think but it's nestled deep in the mountains and the land surrounding it belongs to us as well it stretches at least one thousand miles all around so we can easily support ourselves.
The Air Wielders are the only ones who get to see the glorious stretch of forest that belongs to us because sadly, we are the only ones who can get over the mountain walls. It's kinda sad if you think about it, Ignition always told me that she wanted to see what was over the mountain walls. Don't get me wrong, sometimes the other wielders come with us. We only take a couple at a time though. If we take too many then it's possible we could get caught.

Anyhow I'm not telling you this to give you a history lesson. I'm telling you this because I'm here to give you a warning, something that may save Your life. The Blanks and Wielders are not to be trusted.....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2016 ⏰

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