What Will Happen

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My name is Calum Hood I have three other friends that are like brothers to me their names are Michael,Luke, and Ashton. I have problems that my brothers don't know about it.I selfharm myself in any way and also ask myself,

Why am I here 
Why can't I just die 
Why do people even like me
Why this and why that

I go into the bathroom I open a box full of my razors. Dry blood on them but then I close it and I just sat down to cry. Standing back up wiping the tears.

I took a hard look in the mirror.  Calum Hood.....look at yourself

One more hard look in the mirror then one long blood curling scream.

Punching the mirror....glass in my knuckles,glass in the sink.

Blood was pouring out of my hand. 

There was still glass in the mirror but I couldn't.
There was to much regret staring at me.

I'm thinking to myself how well this be a secret.

I start to bandage up my hand getting the glass out of my hand.

Closing the door behind me Michael comes up behind me asking what you doing.

I hesitate n..nothing
Caluum he spreads his words.
He grabbed the hand that was  hurting.

What is this Calum and don't tell me nothing.

Right now my heart is beating out of my chest.

He started to roll up my sleeve than I stepped back.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me real close to him.
Let me see it Calum I don't get why your keeping this a secret.

"I couldn't say no because he was right there giving me his puppy dog eyes". Calum said
"What secret" Michael said "There's no secret". Calum said
At this point i was freaking out.

"If you tell me what happened I won't get the other two but if you don't I will now your call". Michael said

It was silence then Michael started head for the door.

Wait and that's when I had to tell him.

Calum Hood Where stories live. Discover now