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Wow, I have a tag book.. Tbh, never wanted one but people seemed to tag me and some questions were actually quite interesting so I thought "Why not? This looks fun~!"

So anyways let's get started with the most recent one. So, i was tagged by the adorable piece of cookie here called ransuiz ~! Yay~! XD

And so ill be answering your questions~!


- post all the rules
- tag 13 people
- answer the 13 questions and create 13 new ones for the people you've tagged
- no skipping tags! Except if you have a reasonable excuse~!
- Eat breakfast..?
- you must do the tag in a week or you will be sent to the depth of the miserable living hell called s-- never-mind~!
- Be creative, so I guess I won't be using green ( I'm sorry I just brought myself nightmares too T..T )
- Write all this in a book and follow the rules~!


And now the time has come!

What do you think of me?
- Haru-chan? I think you're a really strong, independent, and smart young lady - //cough// kid //cough// - cause you know how to think and quite unpredictable in a good way. Also, someone who likes to improve skills you already have, and a trier - sorta - . Plus, an incredible hard worker. And-- I'll stop before I write a 10,000 essay sorry XD

What are your OTPs?
- Eh? but i have a lot Q..Q, but for now I would chose SaIno, because I just love these dorks and- //sighs// okay another is YoHak or HaYona never really discovered their ship name BUT, I am absolutely in love with this cute and adorable couple~! Even though they still are not together.. Come on author! The manga is almost 90 chapters KISS ALREADY- //SIGH//

Your favorite food?
- but that's not fair! I have a lot~!! //cries// but anyway, I would sayyyyyyyy~ i don't know~! Okay I'll say seafood. Honestly seafood is just so delicious and enjoyable to eat! The shrimps are just.. Umm.. //drools// and Tuna is //more drooling//. Okay that's enough~!

Who's your crush?
- BUT I HAVE A LOT! Okay okay, let's see.. Number one is obviously Tak-- hehe it's actually Makoto~! And then Iza-Iza comes after him because Iza-Iza is lifu~! Then comes Takao-kuuuuun~! CX

If you could have one of those, a little brother, or a little sister, which one will you chose?
- honestly, I do have both. But if I didn't I would definitely chose a little sister.

Drawing or writing?
- I'll have to go with drawing here.

If you could change your look completely, how would you look like?
- hmm, let's see.. I would like really dark hair and for my skin i would say not so tan but not pale either so just in between. Also, I wouldn't mind being tall. Oh, i would like to have have a normal-shaped jaw line, not sharp, or extremely curve. Plus-- am I seriously describing myself? XD well the answer is actually I don't really wanna change my look~! It's not that I'm in love with myself and I love my looks, it's that I accept how I look cause that's how I was born~!

Love or Lust?
- I'd chose love here because no reason tbh, I'm still young I have no idea what's love and not planning on discovering about it either~!

Giver or Receiver?
- tbh I want to try my best to not be the receiver, so giver is my answer because giving honestly makes you feel more alive y'know~!

How could you judge your partner's real personality on a date?
- I still haven't finished high school or fallen in love how am I supposed to know? T..T
but what I know is if he was flirty and makes me feel more awkward every second I spend with him, - and talked about bed in our first meeting - I'd probably just reject him~!

What kind of girl/boy you want your partner to be?
- in my honest opinion, I'd prefer someone who states things super-honest in a flat  way, and makes me pout almost every time. Plus, who'd tease me a lot but the easily-jealous type too. So I can have my own way of teasing him ( I'm seriously starting to get affected by shoujo mangas ). And for a girl  who's actually tall for her age, please be tall. I'm so sorry but please just at least 4 centimeters taller than me.

How many friends do you have that you truly trust?
- Can't believe I'm saying that but about two.. I just don't know, I don't like trusting a lot of people because trusting it just a very hard task for me. I don't like getting stabbed in the back cause that's like the worst feeling ever. I mean yeah I have more but sometimes I can't trust everything to everyone of them.

A cute fact about you?
- Umm.. I can't really recall anything right now. Lemme think.. Oh! if I hit someone hard - well not too hard - my hand can possibly be stamped on the place I hit them~!!


I tag:



1. What one word can you use to describe your mom?
2. How would you like to die?
3. You favorite OTP?
4. Your favorite fictional characters?
5. What are your favorite bands?
6. Would you rather burp confetti or fart glitter?
7. What are you?
8. Have you ever googled your name?
9. Something you thought was true when you were young that is actually not true?
10. Do you think this generation is growing bitchy and out of control?
11. Do you think people who bully or that are responsible for ending others lives should die mercilessly or can still have a second chance?
12. Can I trust you?
13. Your favorite author on Wattpad?


Finished~! Well, that was fun^.^! Babaii~!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2016 ⏰

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