We can be friends

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There is a famous boy that moved next door to me. I think his real name is Cameron although his name on Jessie was Luke. My mom hates them for no reason. I mean she doesn't hate them, she just hates the paparazzi. Ever since Cameron and his mother Libby moved in, the paparazzi has been invading our living space; and by living space I mean our home. The paparazzi would literally break into our house because the stairs was full of fans or other paparazzi people. Anyways I am going to the mall by myself because my friends are in California and my mom wouldn't allow me to go. I put on a long sleeve crop top that says "Amaya" on it. The back has this emoji:💯. I put on black ripped skinny jeans that make my butt print out perfectly. I have a big butt. My mom is Spanish and my dad is black. Then, I put on my black vans and go in the bathroom and brush my teeth. I always brush my teeth last because my mouthwash does not last forever. I head out and of course my mom stops me. "Amaya , no quiero que hables con Cameron, ok?" "Si mamá, pero cuál es incorrecto con ellos ? Me refiero a su sólo la paparazzi." I know, I know, but still I think you might like him." "Ew mom. Stay out of my love life. It's weird when you know who I might like or like." "Hmmmm. Ok have fun wherever you are going dressed up as a oochie mama." Wtf?? My mom is crazy. I walk out and the paparazzi is finally gone. I hear a door to my left open then close. I look to my left and see a boy dressed in grey joggers, a red shirt that says "fresh" and grey jordans. Omg it's Cameron! I try to fast-walk by him so I don't have to say hi. "Hey neighbor! What's your name?" Damn it. My fast-walking got me no where but to the first step. "Um hey. My name is Amaya." "Well, Amaya, do you want to be friends?" Oh sugar honey ice tea. My mom said she doesn't want me to talk to him so I'm sure that means I can't be friends with him. " I'm sorry Cameron but my mom doesn't want me to talk to you." "Oh." He had a sad face expression and started to go down the stairs. I felt so bad. My mom came out of the house and nodded her head and pointed to Cameron. My face lit up because I knew what she meant. She meant I could be friends with him. She went back inside smiling. I rushed down the stairs and looked for Cameron. He was about to get in his Bougatti. I have to admit his Bougatti was fresh. "CAMERON!!" He looks back and walks towards me. "Yes?" "We
can be friends!" "Thank you!! I couldn't stand you not being my friend. I mean, you're really cute. I was just on my way to the mall to buy you a silver jewelry set." Omg he just called me cute! "Oh. Thanks for calling me cute. I was on my way to the mall to hang out by myself."  "Well you don't have to go by yourself anymore cause I'll go with you." I nod and he opens his car door for me. What a gentlemen!😊

Authors Note
Hey guys so if you are not Spanish and did not get what I wrote then here it is: Amaya , no quiero que hables con Cameron, ok= Amaya I do not want you to talk to Cameron and Si mamá, pero cuál es incorrecto con ellos ? Me refiero a su sólo la paparazzi= Yes mom, but what's wrong with them? I mean it's just the paparazzi.

Cameron Boyce Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now