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"Why do I have to drive you?" I asked in annoyance to my gbf.

"Because I need a ride and girlfriend it's not like you gonna be booty bumpin anyway, so why not?"

"Ok just because I don't go clubbing every night like all these other stereotypical girls doesn't mean I don't have a life." I sigh in defense

"Please Ashley this is my first real date with him know what." Chases face fell.

"How about this I will let you use my car for the night just don't wreck it!"

"Thanks peaches!" That's what chase has called me ever since we met in kindergarten and everyone always said we would end up together because of it. I was the only one who knew he was gay for like seven years until he came out to his parents.

"Yeah your welcome"

Just then my iPhone 7 went off. I got a message from Luke, my boyfriend of 5 years. We started dating in 8th grade.


I was so hot I called up some friends and we went to the community pool. This was my first year wearing my black two piece bathing suit it fit my skinny body well a little lose in the crotch area but I was fine with it. We walked in and sat our stuff down on a few chairs, but since my house was right down the street from the pool awe didn't bring any parents. We took our extra clothes off and got in the pool. Somebody came up behind me and whispered in a familiar voice

"hey ash do you think you would be my girlfriend?"

I chuckled knowing who it was I turned around and said sure.

(End of flashback)

Luke: Are you with anyone right now?

Me: yeah I'm with chase but he is about to leave so I'll meet you outside.

Luke: ok thanks ash love you! 😘

Me: love you too 😘

" so Luke's outside and we need to talk..." I looked up realizing that chase had already left I looked around feeling stupid for talking to nobody but quickly shrugged it off. I ran down the two flights of stares to my front door ( we have a pretty big house) and walk over to Luke leaning against his dark red mustang. He looks up at me

"Damn you look beautiful today!" He says as he pushes a piece of my hair out of my face and leans in to lay a sweet kiss on my lips.

"Thanks" I say with a huge smile plastered on my face. I grab his hand and lead him into the house and up to my bedroom so we can follow our usual routine. He puts his phone on my bedside table and lays back I the bed as I put Netflix on. I turn around and he has disappeared from my bed so I start walking down the stairs but end up tripping on literally nothing and such a cliche but he catches me. I started blushing uncontrollably, " your face looks like a tomato" he says poking my cheek. " oh shut up and get the popcorn." I said laughing as we walk down stairs.

Just then my phone vibrates in my back pocket of my high wasted, acid washed shorts. I pull it out to see it's a text from chase

Chase: 911! Girl I NEED you to do damage control for me please you can bring luke!?!

Me: where are you at anyway?

Chase: Doviores

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2016 ⏰

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