Prolouge: A Fate They Cast to the Abyss

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Cries and screams of agony frequently pierced the air, as the once proud and stead-fast infantry and cavalry warriors fled from their adversaries. bronze and green colors flashed past, cutting down any foolish young soldier who was willing to try and bring glory back home.

The pursuing warriors completely disregarded a disheveled man, only in his twenties, crouched on the ground, a pharaoh's crown of gold and yellow and blue cloth laying beside him. The cloth of the headdress was soaked with blood, and the gold tarnished with the deep crimson liquid that flowed from the form in the other's arms. His clothes were also stained with the sticky substance, as he refused to let go of his fallen comrade.

"Tetsuya! Don't you dare die on me!"

"T-that is n-not a decision you are a-able to make my p-pharaoh..."

Dust flew past as a broken chariot raced by, the once gold-tanned horses pulling it marred with bloody cuts and wounds, both the driver and archer already added to the countless bodies upon the field. The man on the sand ignored everything else, staring horrified at the bleeding form in his arms, an arrow protruding from his chest and shoulder.

"My pharaoh!" Came the sudden cry, and a warrior wearing golden armor leapt forward, engaging a few enemy soldiers who'd decided to cut down the unfamiliar man. He was quickly followed by at least ten others who had chosen to fight beside their unabled king.

"You must flee along with the others!"

"I refuse!"

There was a thunder of feet upon the blood-soaked sands, and helpless cry of terror loosed from the throat of a tall golden-haired teenager in bright armor. Muffled gasps and a roar of fury followed the cry seconds later, and someone knelt in front of him, reaching out a shaking hand.



One of recent arrivals suddenly snarled violently, "Tetsu, you're dying and all you can say is 'Hey'!?" The dying boy wheezed half-heartedly, "Of c-course, why not A-aomine-kun?"

"What where you thinking Kuroko!?" Another snapped.

"I-i was p-pro-protecting our ph-pharoah..."

Another young man knelt beside the other who had shakily withdrawn, burning holes into his soul. "Do you know how foolish that was Tetsuya?"

Without responding, the short boy's head tilted slightly to the side, losing a rasping, bloody cough, eyes closing.

"Kuroko! Stay with us!"

"Kuroko-cchi! Don't die!"

Cloudy eyes slid gradually open, and he tilted his head to look back up at the trembling pharaoh. His mouth slowly opened, and they leaned in to hear.


There were dying screams, as the men who had been holding the enemy back where slaughtered instantaneously, their opponents having been joined by more reinforcements. Two reeled around, and darted forward. With no warning, they hoisted the ruler up to his feet in one swift motion.

"W-wait! What are you doing!?" he protested, however he was too weak to fight back, and at the moment, regretting selfishly wanting to live while his closest friend was about to enter the underworld. They did not respond, continuing the pull him away.

He looked back to see the others crouching beside their fallen friend, abruptly swerve and begin running towards him, and away from their teammate. He wanted to yell, ask them why they where not bringing the other back from medical care, while his heart told him it was too late.

As the others caught up, he wanted to hit them for leaving the young boy behind, until he saw them up close. Two had their head thrown to the cloudy skies, tears in their eyes, and jaws clenched tightly. The golden haired one cried openly, whilst the purple and green haired ones sobbed silently. The most disturbing sight, was the forever stoic faced captain with uncontrollable tears running down his cheeks as he ran beside him.

His head fell, tears escaping his own eyes, and he glanced up, to see their enemy warriors looking down at the limp from, eyes unseen from behind a curtain of bloodied hair.

"I'm sorry, Kuroko..."

* * * * *

When their forms finally vanished in the distance, he craned his head up to see stern faces looking down at him. "You know what you're doing boy?" One asked gruffly.

He let a sigh escape, "Indeed I do."

The elder man's eyes flashed hate, before it glittered away to respect. "Fought well." He said simply, another man beside him nodding slightly.

"Thank you."

"Do you want me to finish this?"

He glanced at the horizon, where the moon was beginning to rise, the vibrant pinks and oranges giving way to deep purples and blue, and let a soft smile cross his face as he looked up the the sky as it became speckled with stars.

"No thank you, I believe I would just like to rest my eyes."

The older warrior huffed, knowing what he meant. "Very well."

He glanced to the side, watching the men trudge away, before he settled for looking to the night sky. The moon had risen above, a full circle of pure white, ringed with a light the color of his hair.

"In the end, I guess I got what I have always wanted..."

* * * * *

He looked back reluctantly, only for a small grin to cross his dusted face when he saw. The young lad lay peacefully, arms and legs spread slightly apart, as if to embrace the moon. Pale rays light shone through the clouds, making the boy seem ethereal and godly with teal hair and silver armor glowing brilliantly within the moon's gentle light. His eyes were closed, and a soft smile graced his lips, a peaceful death surrounded by endless sand for miles to come.

The prophecy from that young girl had come true then, the one no one had ever found to be real.

A child of Khonsu

born within waters and greenery

falls within endless sands

A warrior unlike any

he is fated to die

beneath his father's

smile, and upon his ghostly face

a smile like that of a gods

A/N: Yup. Book six. I had inspiration, AND I DON'T EVEN HAD THE THE FIRST CHAPTER OF THE 1ST BOOK OUT. I think I'm way in over my head. I forgot alot of unimportant details that I thought I should'be added. Oh well! I hope you enjoy, however, while I am trying to get everything posted and updated, I've been falling asleep mid-type. So, I guess I have to stop pulling all-nighters. And if you haven't grasped the situation yet, its ancient Eqypt. There will be more information about this series in the first chapter of the first book (the prophecy is not real, I just made it up :P) you know...the title doesn't make sense after all. Yup.




Please be patient (ducks flying projectiles)

Arigotou, Huitou Jian!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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