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This is just a snippet, the actual first chapter will be released in May, after Civil War.

So many things swirled in Wanda's mind, her childhood, Pietro's smile, Clint and his family, the farmhouse, Vision's eyes when he confessed he had feelings for her... The memories turned red and she whimpered. So many things were washing down the drain, but she refused to let these things go along with the rest. Her pain had been going on and off, and sometimes she swore she heard Vision, Steve, Nat and all of her friends screaming in what sounded like the room next to her.

Was she even in a room? Where was she? Her eyes wouldn't open. They're shut. They won't open. She can feel herself move, but where are her eyes? Where is her brother? Why isn't he there with her?

...Why is she worried about Vision? Vision is just an android.

NO. Her thoughts screamed and screamed, but for some reason, her brain just wouldn't listen.

WANDA. A voice. It echoed in her head. Who's voice is that? How did it know her name? Her head swayed from side to side and she tried to get that voice out of her head. There was a stranger. She didn't like strangers.

Wanda, please... Don't... forge-

She screamed. He was in pain. He was in extreme pain, and she cared. Why did she care? She didn't know him that well. How can robots have pain? Why was he hurting? She felt smooth liquid slide from her eyes and she finally felt her them flutter. A series of movement was in front of her. A flash of red, men in front of the red, trying to make it get back.

Why is all I see, red? This isn't fair why- Her head suddenly had a flash of a memory. VISION.

She remembered a small fragment. She remembered. He was in front of her now... Fighting. Voices echoed in her head, and she reached out to feel his mind, his comforting thoughts.

She cried out again. He was hurting. Why is he hurting? Oh God, please, why is he hurting? Tears were flowing down her face, and she was strapped. How come she couldn't find anyone else's thoughts? Where were the thoughts of the men hurting Vision? She turned her head. She found another cry of pain through someone's mind.

Steve lay five feet away from her. He was wearing a white shirt with white pants. Why was he here? Why was he crying? Her blurred sight found a mange of red hair, and she found Natasha thrashing and grunting across from Steve. They were all tilted upwards and tied down, almost like on a wall, except as comfortable as a standing bed. Wanda's head moved to the commotion in front of her, and she saw with hopelessness as Vision screamed at them. His... screams. Wanda closed her swollen eyes in agony. Her whole body shook; she was sobbing.

Vision escaped the men in a matter of seconds, which wasn't surprising, but he was still in pain. What was hurting him? Wanda wanted to fix it.

His hands found their way around Wanda's bonded wrists, and she smiled slightly, even though she was still crying from his pain. She was sharing it. He couldn't go back to the full burden. If she closed her eyes, she could imagine that she was laying down instead of standing. She could imagine laughing until her stomach hurt, as Vision sat in the back with that small grin he carried around when he was with her.

His touch made everything bearable, and she could do nothing as he sank to his knee's and rested his head on her stomach. She couldn't wrap her arms around him, she couldn't comfort him with anything. Not even words could make it out of her mouth. But they could come from her mind.

Vision. I zink ve'll be okay. Ve'll find ourselves out of this soon. We always do. We vouldn't be Avengers if we didn't. Another tear slid from her eyes, and she rested her head on the back of the cushion-y wall behind her. His fists bawled themselves into her white gown, and she could feel the pain get worse. It took everything in him not to start screaming.

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