A Brand New Start

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It is morning, and the warm sun is shining through the window, it is a perfect day. But I'm so sleepy! Everything has been peaceful since the Shioshishio group got back together, but it hasn't always been that way, the Ojoshi-sama, the sea freezing over, but although this happened, not much has changed, although Chisaki is older now, she still has her same sweet personality. As for the sea, we all still have access to go down, (including Miuna, Akira and Tsumugu,) because the ice has melted. And recently, because of it, the other people from Shioshishio woke up from hibernation. Slowly but surely, everything is going back to way it was.
"Oh my, I'm so tired." I say with a yawn, "It wouldn't hurt for just 10 more minutes?" I roll over to see the time... Oh no!! It's 8:43 AM! "No, no, no, no!" I say as I throw back the covers and rush around for my school uniform, I run over to the corner of my room. "Where is it?! I left it right here! Ugh! I need to get a move on!" I keep looking, I search the tops of my closet and then the bottom... Found it! "Of course, the bottom of the closet, that's where everything goes." I check the time... 8:55 AM! Wow, time goes by fast! Hikari and Kaname are probably wondering were I am! I quickly throw on my uniform, do my hair and other necessities, (today I'm going to have to miss breakfast,) and rush out the door. I run into the centre of the city and look around frantically. "Where are they?! They are probably already on the surface." So run forward and swim as fast as I can towards the surface, as it begins to get clearer and the sun gets brighter, I know I'm getting closer.

I finally reach the surface, as I'm running towards the school, I try to see if I can spot Hikari and Kaname, who am I kidding? They are probably already at school by now!

I keep running, until I see in the distance, two boys, same uniform, and they look like they could be Hikari and Kaname! Yes!

"Hikari! Kaname!" I shout. I run faster, I'm running out of breath, it's like they can't hear me. "Hikari!" I shout louder. Why can't they hear me?

"Manaka? Is that you?!"

Huh? That sounded like Hikari. I stop running, the boys I was following keep walking, that's when I realise, they aren't Hikari and Kaname.

"Hikari?" I shout, looking around. Where is he?

I turn around and I see Hikari and Kaname running towards me.

"Hikari? Kaname?" I say, barely able to breath from all the running, "What? Why are you...Behind...Me?"

"You must have been so focused on finding us, that you ran right past us!" Kaname says with a laugh.

"Actually-" I start.

"Come on!" Hikari says, "We have five minutes until school starts!"

Hikari is already running towards the school, Kaname and I exchange glances and run after him.
Eventually Kaname and I catch up with Hikari, as we get closer to the school, the bell rings. We see all the students walking into their classes. Amoungst the crowd I see Miuna and Sayu waving and shouting out to us. "Hurry!" Shouts Miuna. We keep running. Eventually we are face to face with Miuna and Sayu. "Come on guys! Class is about to start!" Says Sayu and we all rush into the class room. Just made it. We are all in the same class, which is good because we are all friends now. It's so weird to think that Miuna and Sayu are the same age as us. But I guess it was five years ago to them, but to Hikari, Kaname and I, it was only about a week ago.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Okay class!" Says the teacher, "Settle down now!"

"Phew! Just made it on time. That was epic!" Says Hikari, as he jumps into his seat. We laugh as the rest of us take our seats. Hikari never seems to run out of energy.

"Okay class! I have an announcement. We have a new student joining the class!"

Everyone starts to talk straight away.
"A new student? Oh man." Says Hikari, making a face.

"Hikari! You were once a new student too!" I saw with a laugh. Hikari gives me a smile, this time, it's not a sarcastic one. I smile back.

"Class pay attention please!" Says the teacher, as he says that, a boy walks in.

"Ah! Right on time! This is our new student everyone! Now, would you too like to introduce yourself?" The teacher says turning to him.

At the side of the classroom stands a boy, he has black hair and blue eyes and...Wait a minute...

"Ena?" Says Kaname. We all exchange glances, his skin seems to shine with Ena.

"Hi my name is Hiroshi, and I come from the sea."

"Well everyone, Hiroshi feel welcome."

He turns around to face the class and walk over to sit in the seats near us, he looks at us. Why don't I know this boy if he is from the sea too?
After school:

"Wow, school was so boring." Says Sayu.

Sayu and I are both walking home together from school, like we always do.

"Yeah it was, but what about that new boy? He said he was from the sea." I say.

"Yeah, he barely talked today. So much for the stereotypical 'trying to make friends!'" Sayu says with a laugh.

After talking for a while, We finally reach the part of the town where we have to go our separate ways.

"Anyway, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" I say.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." Says Sayu.

I wave goodbye to Sayu and keep walking, then I stop. I feel like going back down to Shioshishio. So I walk over to the edge of the boat dock and jump into the water. I love having Ena. I only recently discovered that I have it. But the reason I have it is because my mother came from the sea, so she had Ena, therefore my brother, Akira, has it too. The water is clear and peaceful, I swim down towards Shioshishio. The fish swim by, they are so beautiful. I swim down further until I finally reach the city. I look around. Some of the salt-flake snow still remains, but most of it, nearly all of it, is gone.

I reach Shioshishio and I sit down on the steps at the entrance. A huge school of fish jets past me. I look at them swimming, fish are so majestic in the way they swim. So beautiful and radiant. As the last of them swims by, I see a person standing over on the other side of Shioshishio, looking up to the surface. It looks like Tsumugu, but that's impossible, Tsumugu is 19 now and in College. I get curiouser. "Who are you?" I say to myself as I walk over, silently, careful not to be heard.

I'm trying to walk as quietly as I can, and as I get closer, the person becomes clearer, they have black hair, wait. Could it be? No, it couldn't be...

The person turns around...

"Hiroshi?!" I say shocked. I stumble over a bit, he reminds me so much of Tsumugu. He stands there expressionless, and stares.

"Hi, Miuna." He says.

"H-how do you know my name?" I say. He walks forward.

"What do you mean? Surely you know who I am."

What is he talking about? I've never seen him in my life until this morning!

"I don't know who you are." I say.

"That's very strange, because I know you and your other friends, Manaka, Hikari, and Sayu as well. I know who you are Miuna Shiodome."

-Hey! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed. I will be posting a new chapter every week, if not, more than once! :) Anyway, to make sure you don't miss out on the next part, click follow on my profile to get notified on your newsfeed! Click message on my profile if you want to send me a message! I love to hear from my readers! Anyway, stay tuned for the next part!

A New Beginning -Nagi no AsukaraWhere stories live. Discover now