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So hello, I'm your friend, moon, I am a short blond neko with secial powers, yet to be explained, I have green eyes and to join I need

Your name
Your crush
Your gender
Your sexuallity
Your age (14-17 plz)
Your spechies
Your birthday (if someone has a crush on you)
Your looks
Your Personallity
Your likes/ dislikes
Your friends/enimies

For me i'm moon
My crush is kyle or CrafterExtreme
My age is 15
I'm a neko
My b-day is march 28
(Picture above)
I am a aries so yah, and I am very good at acting
I like playing, nice things, partys, anything cool
I don't like boring things, deby downers, and drama queens
I am friends with anyone with anyone but drama queens
Extra, she gets angry easily, but can control it, and when she runs her left arm, she feels unconfrabls, is sad, or is nervous
(Plz put in your description if you don't like moon)

Also, plz do say your crush... even if they enter after you

Thanks! ☺ have fun!

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