Unfolding (Prologue)

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I can't believe I actually am here. It's been a long journey, but here I am! New home in a new country. Japan is really different from where I'm from.  It really is such a unique country.

I now live in a small apartment complex because that's all I could really afford for now. I just moved out of home and now I'm in Japan! My family could only give me so much money for all this. They were really reluctant to let me even go with the high prices and the fact that I won't be near them anymore. I'll miss them, but I really wanted to live here for the longest time.

I pick up my bags and bring them in. It's a quaint little place I have now. I unpack and pull out a text book. I need to study up on my Japanese! I studied as much as I could before, but I don't want to mess up on anything. It could cause trouble if I don't learn it quick.

I open the text book and see a picture of my family. I was really small in this picture. Like 5-6 years old. Time did fly by. I'm now a college student. I am aiming to be an art major right now. I'm not the best, but it seems like a fun occupation to go for. If it doesn't work out, I could always do something else though. I take the picture and set it on a small desk the room had attached to the wall and continued to study.

I studied for a good two hours. I don't know how long anyone could study like that, but I guess when it comes to learning something you actually need, you get your shit together. Now, while it was still around early afternoon here, I still have jet lag. I decided to take a nap. Just a short one. I need to get used to this time zone. I change into some comfy clothing and lie on my bed and drift away.


Drifting I indeed was. In darkness that is. Out of the darkness was a voice. A deep voice.


Soon? What's soon? School? Someone's birthday? My period? That's a very vague statement.

"Very soon..."

The voice saying that sounds very eerie to say the least, and what was so god damn soon?

"What the hell do you mean, oh mysterious voice?"

No response.

"(Y/N).... heheheh..."

Now they're laughing at me. What sort of joke was said? Was I drifting around in my underwear or something? I look down to see I was actually in a white dress that seemed to be reflecting the none existing light. Looking down, I also noticed a small tiled area. I air swum over and landed on my feet pretty gracefully. On the tiles was a book. There was no name engraved on it. It looked pretty neat though. I bent down to pick it up, but instead, I was reaching out to my ceiling.

A dream, eh? Waking up, I vaguely even remember. I just remember the words "Soon." and one question. What was soon?

I looked out the window and saw that night was spread across the sky. That was a much longer nap than expected. I grab my laptop and go on the internet to check a few things. I went onto skype and saw I had a message from a friend.

"Did you arrive in Japan yet?" Sent at 12:00pm.

"Oh, sorry for not replying! I was tired, but yeah. I arrived." I sent in reply. This friend was Tachibana Ritsuka. I met her on a website a few years ago. She's the one who convinced me to major in art. Her family is apparently really good at English so she picked up a thing or two. Her mother translates for different companies and her brother studied abroad in England.

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