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It's not that he's not satisfied with his life. He has a loving wife, a cute two year old and a stable job. So why was it that the moment Makoto Kagurazaka literally crashed back into his life, he ended up in this... wreck?

It was not even at the high school reunion as the others had suspected. The two had met two weeks prior to that, after a car had spun off course and hit Izumi's Chevrolet. The man who had emerged out of the other car looked like he hadn't aged a day since high school.

"I'm sorry -- woah! it's you. Long time no see, dick-face." The man says, smirking.

Oh, how Sano has missed the man's confidence.

"If it isn't Kagurazaka. It's been a while hasn't it?" How the heck did you get a driver's license? Sano replies and smiles in what he hopes looks natural.

"God! That's a great car you've got!" Kagurazaka remarks. Then, sliding up to Sano, he asks;

"How's it going with your boyfriend?"

"Mizuki is not my boyfriend" She's my wife. Sano replies.

"Well then, Mr. Freshly-dumped, why don't we go on an adventure? The police are going to come in any second!"

Sano chuckles in amusement. Makoto had never been the one to start anything-- Sano had initiated the kiss that had sparked an affair with his "rival" in his sophomore year.

Sano does plan to tell Kagurazaka about his marriage. He really does. But Makoto is grasping his hand, telling him to run as the police come to look at the wreck. Sano obliges.


It's a good thing Sano's company is so lenient on work hours-- because he's at an love hotel, Kargurazaka moaning and writhing beneath him and it's 10:30. He should be at work, and there's a high chance Makoto's missing work too.

He calls work, of course. The boss doesn't care, for as the man puts it, "Sano.. you overworks yourself."

Oh, if only it was a one-night stand.

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