Chapter 1 SlenderMan

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I reluctantly woke up one cold morning I grabbed my purse and head straight to the shop to get my newest cover of shout when I came back Snowy my dog was waiting by the front door perched to the side patiently watching me walk to be door as I opened the door Snowy turned round and looked ferociously at the wall at first i thought she was crazy but then she started whinging and yelping immediatly i ran over and  scooped her in my arms I say her on the sofa where she couldn't see and I went to investigate as I looked I couldn't see anything so I asked if there was anyone here, however there was no answer but a mysterious knock trailing to the front door frightened I opened the door paranoid what was there and quickly opened the door, NOTHING!! I suddenly gave up I was tired so I went to bed, later what sounded like an old man went "Go closer" I refused and crawled under the cover like a scared little kid.
                           12:00PM Sunday
I totally freaked out when I heard a heavy knock in the door in 3s, "Who's there" I asked trembling with fear, curious I snook downstairs to the hall way slipped on my star wars slippers and set off to look i also switched on  my torch on my phone obviously i walked further and further,my friend told me about this ghost called slenderman he is mostly found lurking in the forest some believe he has daughter called Anna either way it's spooky he has incredibly long tenticles which I have no idea what for and he has a pale white mask covering his face representing a sacrifice anyway I suddenly felt a chill on my shoulder almost as if it touched me it's fin boney hands I screamed and jumped shocked and ran rapidly without making a stop I felt sick in my tummy and felt like I could faint on the spot when I got home I galloped upstairs and grabbed my Apple laptop and started researching slender man here's what it said........
The Slender man was created on June 10th 2009 on a thread in the something awful internet forum. The thread was a Photoshop contest in which users were challenged to edit everyday photographs to apear paranormal. A forum poster with the user name "Victor surge" contributed two black and white images of groups of children, to which he added a tall, thin spectral figure wearing a black suit giving the name Slenderman
Personally I was a  but shocked at this  anyway I am an absolute chicken anyway I decided I had enough so I turned off my laptop and went to bed to be continued............It's now dawn and yet again my sister Paige is downstairs hugging the cereal I wasn't a breakfast person though anyway unless it's a McDonald's breakfast :) Anyway I opened my laptop and went in wattpad finding updates from my friends when a noise occured almost like an old man I reacted quick and slammed my lid in my laptop  as I was a litle annoyed, it sounded like "she is coming" "she is coming" it kept repeating as it for louder and louder untill my face was against the door then it shouted as it slammed the door in front of me "YOU ARE DEAD" I screamed simultaneously as the door slammed and worst of all my sister was in the other room, concerned, I slowly opened the door and dashed to the kitchen to see if she was okay and you never believed what I saw behid her SLENDER MAN!! I screamed once more as his huge tenticles swiped me off my feet and into his arms struggling he glided across the floor in a graceful manor only not gracefull at all unexpectedly he teleported into the forest of soon " Are you okay paige?" I asked hot in the face "Yes!" squeled paige at this point we never had our phone so therewas no way of communicating with her so we decided to just surrender, get it surrender man lol anyway there was no time for jokes this is ab emergency "PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed taking no notice he carried on walking, the most was rolling deeper and deeper through the forest to be continued.......  Comment below what you think might happen next? ;)

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