Chapter one- Waiting

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He stood in the doorway, waiting for her to turn around, to see him, for him to see her. His skin crawled at the thought, his skin against hers, her nails dragging down his  back, his fingers so gently tangled in her hair, pushing her to the edge.


Back to reality, he sighs, his daydream broken by the soft voice. Her. She spoke with utter obedience that he heard it ring, her gentle gaze upon his crowned head, her grass green eyes, orbs of his imagination, running through grassy fields, falling into each others arms, onto the grass. laying there, always. 


It was forbidden. A maid and a prince, a god and a mortal, it makes no sense, why his heart thudded against his chest, reaching out to her caged soul, wanting to free it; to see her for what she truly is. How would she look in golden attire, green accessories to perfectly compliment her eyes, those envious glass orbs of passion and want, et it glazes over with suffering and confinement to his needs. Him keeping her prisoner, though he so deeply wishes to free her, to caress her, to be the gentleman he wished so dearly to be. 

She would come to him at night, t comfort him as he slept through the nightmares of red eyes, blue skin, freezing everything he held dear; yet it was no use, he was doing it to her, squeezing her hand too tight, crying to hard that he ruins her perfect attire, her long maids dress and tie. She would never fall for him, not with his changing positively devilish mind and disgracing succeeding line; his one string of hope, a one sided love.



He did this...


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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