It All Started With A Fucked Up Fanfiction...

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"hey guys! It's frank" he started his video. "so today I will be reading another fucked up fan fiction. This time I will be reading the whisk fic" he continued. His silvery, brown hair was glittering in the light setup in front of him. He doesn't notice me, he never will. Not until I decide it is the right time. I am always lurking outside of the windows, watching him scroll through tumblr and YouTube.
"senpaii" I shout. He doesn't hear me. For I am just a part of his imagination. For now. "senpaii" I say with a sigh.
I watched as he read the fanfiction, the descriptions so vivid you can almost imagine it happening in your kitchen. Tonight is the night. Tonight is the night the memes will come.
*later that night*
Frank is fast asleep, it is the perfect time for me to sneak in and get what I want, and what I want is to be noticed by senpaii.
I carefully slide open the window and step quietly into his well organized giraffe zoo. His gentle snores making me want to cuddle up next to him and sleep, but that's not what I am here for. I go to the front door to unlock it. At that time John Cena, Shrek, and I go to wake the sleeping bean. They huddle in a dark corner of the room as I shake the meme lover awake.
"What is goi-SHREK! OMG I LOVE YOU!" he screams.
"ssshhhhh" I put my finger up against his lips. "Frank I need you to do something for me"
"what is it Pepe? I'll do anything for you"
"I need to get noticed by Dan Howell. He never replies to any of my tweets and he calls himself a meme. Frank, you know that I am the meme, not Daniel. Daniel might be an internet cult leader, but he will never be on the meme team without my permission!"
"yes Pepe, I know where they live. But.. We aren't even close to their house, how are we going to get there?"
We all turn to Shrek. This is why I brought him here. Shrek turns around and bends over. Spreading his cheeks, he yells "hop in!" implying we need to crawl inside of his anus and he will take us there as long as Frank guides the way.
"oh HELL NO" Frank said.
"John." I say, not removing eye contact with Frank. "John will FUCK. YOU. UP. You better get inside of Shrek or else, it was nice Cena"
"alright." he sighs. "I'll go, but what is in it for me?"
"Frank, your Lord and Savior Pepe is here to assist you in all of your needs. You help me with this task and I will help you forever"
Frank sheds a tear and continues to climb inside of Shrek's anus. Shrek grows his wings and begins to fly out of the window. "so Frank, where are we headed?"
"that way" Frank points to the northeast and they soon arrive to the phlat. They climb inside, being sure to not make any noise.
"Frank, I lied to you." I said. "I am here to prove that Dan Howell and Phil Lester, our YouTube senpaiis, are actually married and phan is real."
"what are you talking about?" Frank replied. "how could they be married?"
"Frank, there are a lot of things that I need to explain to you, but all I can say right now is that Dan and Phil got married in Japan and they are having the sects right now."
Frank slowly walked towards Phils bedroom. He opened the door to see something horrifying;

Dan tops.

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