It's On

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N=Nega/Negative and that will be used to refer to UF! Sans, US! Sans will be called Blueberry to avoid confusion when not in Narrator mode, and Error! Sans will be called just Error when in 1st person mode. Also the monsters can switch between human form and monster form.

Underswap! Sans was happily walking around the new park. It had been a few weeks since a mysterious girl had fallen into the Underground and set a few AUs free. He had been wondering what an AU was, but the girl said he didn't have to worry about that. He wasn't aware that Underfell! Sans was watching him. The two were in their human form, even though the girl had encouraged them to be in their monster form when on one of the main islands.

Underfell! Sans managed to see his brother, Underfell! Papyrus, looking around. 'Is he looking for Blu-Underswap! Sans?' He thought. Underfell! Sans pulled his hood on and sprinted towards Underswap! Sans, pulling him behind a few trees. "Gah! Edgy, what are you doing?" Underswap! Sans asked curiously. "My bro is here. You need to hide. I'll keep him distracted." Underfell! Sans replied.

He ran towards his brother/boss, trying to convince him to go away. A portal/vortex opened near Underswap! Sans. He curiously peered into it, only to be grabbed by a gloved hand and pulled in. He was in an anti-void, seeing only Error! Sans there. "Error!" He said happily, hugging the other male.

Error blushed yellow a little. "Why did you bring me-" "The Uuuunderfell bro-brothers are there-there. I-It's no-o-ot safe fo-or you." Error! Sans replied, opening another portal/vortex. It appeared in front of the Underswap! Skele-bros' home. "Yo-our broooother will be-e-e worried. Yo-o-ou should go-o-o to hiiiim." He said.

Underswap! Sans nodded, letting go of Error! Sans. "Thank you!" He said, running out of the anti-void. Error! Sans smiled, going through the portal/vortex that lead to the park. Underfell! Sans was there, angry. "Why did you send him home?!" He yelled.

"Thaaaat does-doesn't conce-er-ern you." Error! Sans replied, crossing his arms. "I'm trying to help him be safe from being kidnapped by you and my b...boss." Underfell! Sans said. Anyone could see the hatred they had for each other. "A-a-at leaaaast I'm noooot abu-abusive like yo-ou." Error! Sans barked back. Underfell! Sans summoned a Gaster Blaster, almost attacking Error! Sans.

He dodged and summoned his own. Blasters and bones were summoned, attacking the other. Eventually, the petals falling from the sakura trees formed a wall/shield between them, blocking all attacks. "You two are making to much fuss over a little problem." A calm, soft voice said. "What's the point of attacking each other anyways? Underswap! Sans wouldn't approve." Another voice said. The two males turned around, looking at the two girls.

One had black, shoulder length hair with sakura flowers glowing. She was wearing a white dress with red flowers, a navy blue jacket, white and red headphones, and black boots. The other had long pink hair that reached her waist. She was wearing a pink dress with peach around the edges and was decorated with dark pink spots, a small gold heart locket, and brown flats that looked like they've been dipped in aqua green paint, and gray cat ears on her head. "This doesn't concern you two." Underfell! Sans said, trying to break the wall they had made.

"Actually, it sorta does. Since, we sorta have control over...feelings like love." The smaller girl said, pushing the pink locks out of her face. "True, and I did set you guys free from the Underground even though my mom said not to. She said I had to make sure everything was in balance." The older girl said, moving her headphones around her neck, "And this seems like a competition of love. I just have to be part of them." The younger one clapped her hands together. "I know! Why don't you two make a deal? Whoever gets more attention from Blueberry will be the one he's clearly interested in." She said. Error! Sans looked at the girls then at Underfell! Sans.

"She's got a point. What do you say?" Underfell! Sans said. Error! Sans smirked. "She-e does, fo-or someone who-o's her a-age. Iiiiit's on." Error! Sans said. They both shook hands to seal the deal. "We'll help, but we won't choose a side." The older girl said. "Seems fair." Underfell! Sans said. Error! Sans agreed. The girls smirked. "This starts tomorrow!" They announced in unison.

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