Chapter 1 : Stay

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Waking up to her sweet alluring scent and her deep hypnotic dreamy smiley eyes was everything Sera Ryu wanted. It was the epitome to her happiness and 9muses for her. She couldn't obviate her feelings emotionally and sexually for her unnie it was what she loved and missed. She could never seem to forget the image of hyuna pleading for her to stay and to never leave her. Her tears skimming down her cheeks, leaving traces of pain and sorrow where her bright smile used to lie. Sera looked away trying to not look at one of the most important people in her life ache in front of her. I mustn't contemplate whether she was making the right decision was all sera told herself. Sera knew hyuna joined 9muses because of her. How could she forgive herself after betraying her best friend and girlfriend?
"I'm sorry hyuna, I love you. I love you so-"
"I can't believe you" Hyuna interrupted, her voiced cracking as she got up to leave, slamming the door shut as she went. She could hear sera silently crying through the door but it would not phase hyuna. Hyuna picked up Moya, caressed her white fur and sat at the coffee table, the same place where they both used to sit before heading to the studio together to practice or record. They would tease each other or laugh about the smallest things. Hyuna remembered sera always loved hyuna's coffee and always pestered her about its content like a mischievous child but Hyuna would always say she made it with love. That same love was now absent in Hyuna's heart. Hyuna looked out the kitchen window seeing the full moon and recalling sera's voice vaguely resonate through her ears telling her she was the most beautiful moon, then Hyuna would zip her lips with a soft kiss and proceed to wrap her hands around her waist as they both fell out of time just focusing on each other's deep secluded eyes. Hyuna fell out of trance as sera walked out their room. Hyuna wasn't facing the passageway side, she was in sera's seat but she could see her ex walking down the dark inaudible hall with her head down, her heels making a thud as she walked the wooden floor. Sera stopped for a moment and looked at Hyuna who kept rubbing Moya's soft white fur and her back facing her. Sera then with a faint sigh and tears racing down to her dry deprived lips continued her way and let herself out.... for the first time.

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