Saving Lyrics (Based on a True Story)

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 © 2011 Carol Nieves

All Rights reserved

The Story "Saving Lyrics" including all chapters, prologues/epilogues and associated content is copyrighted. All the rights are reserved by the owner and creator of this work (Carol Nieves). Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law. Any link, image, brand names or otherwise copyrighted material is not my own and is not cover by my copyright.


Authors Note

I am slowly editing this story.  I made a few changes. If anyone wants to help me with the editing please send me a message. thanks.

Chapter 1

Music is my love, my passion. It helps me get through the day. It's a crucial part of who I am. I, Camden Daniels can't go a day without playing my Master D Mahogany 09 Acoustic guitar. Music is the reason why I am running a little late this morning.

If I don't hurry up I will be late for school and I can't afford that, not now. I need to get that music scholarship to the New England Conservatory or I will be doomed. They offer the best music degree. It has always been my dream to attend NEC, I don't have a plan B.

I grabbed my uniform and put it on. With one hand I brush my teeth and with the other my hair, or at least I tried to. Who says guys can't multitask? I take a look at my reflection in the mirror, my black hair is in a state of disarray and it looks amazing, "looking good Daniels, looking good."

Grabbing my backpack and my guitar I ran down the steps praying to the heavens for my mother to be in a good mood this morning . I need a ride to school in order to make it on time and mom is my only hope.

Mom is a music teacher and the reason I grew up around instruments, music sheets and singers. She was in the kitchen. I don't know if is true that mothers has a sixth sense or something, but I swear she wasn't even looking in my direction, but she knew I was coming into the room even before I enter it. Like a freaking psychic.

"Camden, did you oversleep again? How many times do I need to talk to you about being responsible? I'm not going to always be there for... "

I tuned her out as soon as the rant started. She was talking about responsibilities, growing up and maturity. That I was almost an adult and blah blah blah. I love my mom, as far as mothers go, she is really good. I know that she has some expectations, after all I'm her only child.

Half way through her rant I interrupt her. Using a sweet lovable tone and sad puppy eyes I asked her, "Can you please give me a ride?"

For once, God heard my prayers this morning. She looked at the kitchen clock, then her eyes met mine, I don't know what she saw there, maybe desperation because she just smiled grabbed her keys, and said, "Let's go sweety"

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and asked her "Have I told you lately that I love you?"

She shook her head, "Camden, next time I won't be so lenient even if Rod Steward himself tells me that he loves me."

"Mom, I know that you are going out of your way to bring me to school and that you need to go to work but I am really grateful. The reason why I'm late today is because I stayed up late last night trying to finish a song I was working on, but I want you to know that I do love you."

She can be a pain in the butt at times but I do love her. Even when she is in one of her moody spells, and believe me the wicked witch of the west has nothing on her when she is in one of her moods. I know she is under a lot of pressure, we both are because of dad.

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