A/n: I'll have to warn you. This will be steamy.
"Now those who have passing marks below 40% please make sure to pass the exam next friday or you'll have to spend your summer vacation taking supplementary classes." your professor uninterestedly told the class, whilst everyone was busy keeping their things to pay attention to him. After he left, everyone gushed out the classroom leaving you in silence in just a matter of a few seconds.
You bumped your head on your desk, a deep sigh escaping your lips. Unfortunately unlucky, you were one of the students who got a grade below 40%, and you were so consistent with it. Why does it have to be Chemistry? It was pretty easy in high school. You mumbled to yourself.
The wheels on your mind started turning, scheduling your tasks for the next two weeks and inserting a ridiculously large amount of time for studying the dammed subject. Taking out your journal you jotted down the schedules you have planned until your stomach loudly rumbled.
"Hm. There! Finally done! Now I can eat." you immediately kept your things in your bag and as you were heading out you saw the wall clock in the classroom.
12:56PM it glared.
I'm forgetting something. Your mind nagged."Fuck! Koushi! Oh my god we agreed to have lunch!! Shit!! shit!!!!!" You dashed through the university hallways and onto the cafeteria madly looking for your boyfriend. But he wasn't there anymore.
You dialled his number while frantically looking at spots you two often frequented. He didn't pick up any of your calls until the bell rang. You felt so guilty and mad at yourself that you forgot your boyfriend because of the stupid subject.
Plopping down a bench near the cafeteria you swung your feet, trying to extinguish the anger you actually feel bubbling within you. It didn't help though because you remembered the red mark you got on your paper earlier this morning. You were slouching now, defeated and frustrated. You were oblivious when two pair of hands blindfolded you.
You scrunched your face, the smell of the person behind you oh so familiar. It was your boyfriend. You sniffled, his presence overwhelming you and you just had your period so you blame the imbalance of emotions on your hormones. Hearing this caused Suga to let go and hover over you.
"Y/n? What's wrong?" he asked, his voice soft. You hear no underlying grudge or hurt and it made you feel so guilty that was enough to make you sob. Did he forgive you even if you didn't show up? You don't deserve him.
Suga became frantic the moment he touched your wet cheeks. You were crying and he doesn't have any idea why. Did he surprise you so much? Did someone bully you? Did your pet fish die? He was running simulations of scenarios as to why you were upset. Within seconds he was now kneeling between your legs, your face in his hands and he was looking up at you.
"Hey y/n, y/n what's wrong? Did I surprise you too much?" he asked softly. You buried your face in his soft silver locks.
You shook your head and he felt relieved. Taking a deep breath you spoke but your voice was still inaudible for him and all he heard was "that I... don't deserve you..."
Now he's panicking. "Y/n!?" he now squatted eye-level to you. "W-what do you mean? Did — did I do something wrong? Are you — are we breaking up?"
You looked at him, and his face was donned with worry and hurt. You held his hand, "Koushi I didn't say that. What made you think that?"
"Huh? But you just said you don't deserve me. Didn't you?" His face now mirrored your confused one.
"Ha? I didn't mean it thay way. I just feel —" you took a deep breath. "I feel like a dick forgetting our lunch date today just because I got a failing grade in Chemistry and I had to reschedule an entire two weeks so I can insert the time to study for an upcoming exam. I just feel so pressured because if I fail and take supplementary classes this summer I would miss a lot of your games and I won't be able to cheer you on. So if that happens, I'll be the worst girlfriend ever. But these shouldn't have happened if I were just studious enough to pass the last exams. I'm so sorry, I just blurted everything out as usual and you're listening to me again when I know you're having a rough time too. I'm the worst, that's why I thought I don't deserve you at all. And I don't get why I'm feeling so emotional, I'm embarrassed maybe its because of my hormones? I don't fucking know and now I'm getting upset. Ughh don't laugh at me! " you pinched his cheeks seeing he was just smiling at you.

Study Aide «Sugawara Koushi x Reader»
FanfictionPrompt: "You're kidding." / "We'll never know unless we try." // "I've been intimate with you alright but I've never initiated ..." You weren't a dumb student but you're not that smart either. Ever sunce you enyered University the only subject you...