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Law turned his head towards the door eyes twitching. What the hell, that Straw Hat idiot just stepped inside his sub without asking any permission and is casually roaming around it. Some guts he have there.

"Yeah Coming!" He quickly slip on his hoodie and put on his hat, his nodachi in hand. Slightly jogging towards the door to open it and quickly leave the sub so that the idiot can't stay any longer, he gasped when he was suddenly being pulled back by the hood of his hoodie. He glanced back narrowing his eyes at a (h/c) head.


"You don't think you have forgotten something, do you?" The (h/c) head also narrowed her eyes at him.

"What? I don't think-" He was suddenly being forced to face her. Her hands grasping the ends of his long jacket zipping it close up to his toned chest. Noticing the faint blush on her cheeks as her hands touched his chest, the doctor smirked.

"As much as I want to spend time with you (y/n)-ya, I still need to finish this work with Straw Hat. I'll make it up to you soon when I get back, understood?" He cupped her cheeks earning an even darker shade of red. She hit his chest reverting her gaze to the side.

"I-I know right! I-It's not as if I really want to spend my precious time with you Idiot." He chuckled at her ignoring the insult making her pout and look at him again. "Just be careful you hear me? I'll kill you if you get yourself killed."

Law laughed a little louder at the cuteness of his lover. And even if he know it isn't really in his character to laugh or even smile, he just can't help but do in this girl's presence. Sighing and shaking his head he wrapped his arms around (Y/n)'s waist looking at her in the eyes. The girl raised a brow confused at what her lover was doing when he leaned down planting a short but meaningful kiss on her soft lips. This only made (Y/n) blush even more and so she pulled Law hugging him to hide her face. Law relaxed in her arms thus a smile appeared on her lips. The two just stayed in that position for a few minutes when they heard the loud voice outside again.

"I need to go." Law muttered loosening his grip on her much to his own dismay. He felt her snuggle on his neck muttering something unrecognizable before stepping back to let him open the door.

"Yeah take care." She leaned in kissing his lips once again and waving just as the door shut close. He failed to notice the grin she has that was usually for when something interesting is about to happen.

And he knew too well that 'interesting' for her is dangerous for them.

"Finally! You got us waiting for years there Traffy! Shishishishi"

"That's over exaggerating Idiot. Let's go." Law Huffed continuing his walk towards sunny ignoring Luffy's babbling. He was stopped when Zoro appeared in front of him smirking.

"We must have interrupted something huh, Traffy."

He stared confused when Nami and the others giggled after looking at him. Robin pat his shoulder.

"Oh my, Please tell her we understand." She said also giggling.

He was about to ask what when luffy grabbed his shoulders tilting his head to the side staring intently at something on his neck.

"Hm? You got another mouth on your neck Traffy?"

The ex-warlord's eyes narrowed even more with that, only widening it after a while of realization. Face flushed, he quickly pushed luffy away running his fingers on his neck wiping it. Finally bringing it to his face to look at, his jaw dropped.



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