Joanne Watson and the Case of 221B

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Hi guys! so this is a fem!John story. The plot is basically the same as the show,but may be slightly altered (seeing as John is a woman in this). The main ship will probably be Johnlock, but I'm not solid yet. Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and if you do vote,comment,etc.



Joanne Watson was single and ready to mingle. Well,that was a complete and utter lie. She was depressed and had a limp. Not to mention a tremor in her left hand and a shoulder wound that had resulted in her honourable discharge. The lovely effects of war. She remembered the event vividly. Maybe it was the adrenaline that masked the pain at the time,but she could still feel the piece of lead piercing her body like fire. The probability that she would survive had been low, yet here she was. Living in central London on an army pension. She had considered the alternative. So in her dingy apartment on the desk sat her pistol. Sitting next to the gun was the laptop. Left open to a blank blog page. At the top of the blue title bar it read "The Blog of Dr.Joanne H Watson." Her therapist,Ella,wanted her to write a blog about her life. Apparently it would "help her." How would professing your life to people on the Internet help? God knows it wouldn't help her trust issues, or anything else for that matter.

As Joanne thought this all over,she walked through the park with her cane bumping on the sidewalk. She wore a dark red sweater dress with a pair of grey leggings and knee-high leather riding boots. It reflected her mood well. Secretive and conservative. As Joanne walked she was surprised to find that someone was calling her name. The woman turned around slowly with a guarded expression. On the bench behind her sat a heavier set man. The face seemed familiar,but she couldn't place it.

"Joanne Watson!"

"Yes,hello," Joanne was confused. How did he know her name?

"Stamford, Mike Stamford! Remember,we went to school together?"

Then the name struck home and her expression turned to a reluctant, still guarded, smile. "Ah,yes! Mike, I didn't recognise you there for a second."

He chuckled,"Yeah I've changed quite a bit haven't I?" He said this as he patted his stomach. "Any who, I was just about to grab a drink. Fancy a cuppa? We can catch up!"

Joanne shrugged nonchalantly in response and nodded in agreement,"Sure, why not?"

The motley duo conversed and made small talk as they walked. When, they went to sit down Mike asked why she was back in London.

Joanne couldn't help but let out a bitter laugh and respond,"I got shot."

Mike furrowed his brow,"So honorable discharge,eh? Ah well. So you decided to move to London? Can't be easy on an army pension."

"Well said,mate! No it's not easy. Real estate and rent prices are through the roof, but my therapist thinks it'll be good for me. How the hell it will? I don't know."

Mike nodded in understanding and a look of thoughtfulness crossed his features,"Have you ever considered getting a flatmate?"

She let out another chuckle,"Who would want ME as a flatmate?" Mike raised an eyebrow and started to chuckle again. She furrowed her brow in confusion.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing! Just that someone else said the same exact thing to me earlier today," his expression turned thoughtful,"you want to meet him? he's a bit of an odd bloke, but I think you'll like him. So what do ya say,Jo?"

She thought for a moment before nodding her consent,"sure sounds good to me! no harm in it after all."

The pair stood up from the bench and walked toward the main road with their drinks in hand. Mike hailed a cab and they got in.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2013 ⏰

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