Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

  I hate calculus. Its a punishment to humanity for not letting girls be educated in the middle ages, I'm sure of it. Thank god there was 10 minutes left. I slowly doze off and started to think about what i was going to wear tonight; Kate, Logan and I were going to Logan's house to watch a bunch of movies his dad had brought from work (his dad works on set of loads of movies). Kate is my best friend since second grade when I "ran away" to her house. As for me Daphne Hills, daughter of stylist Kristen Hills, I have a huge crush on Logan Tucker and am what you would call between a hopeless romantic and a girl who dresses to impress.
  So back to movie night, like many other girls i take clothing very seriously, I would never be seen wearing socks with sandals, or denim over denim *shivers*....

And with that the bell rang. I picked up my stuff and walked to my locker, just as i was putting my stuff in my bag Logan's gorgeous face appeared as he turned around the hallway

"Miss daphne what a lovely surprise, to what do i owe this pleasure" says logan

" For goodness sake you're down the hall, we go to the same school logan."


  Kate walked in just as i shut my locker, she is always full of energy somehow, even after an hour of calculus.

  We walked to Kate's car together. all three of us go to school together, mainly because Kate's the only one with a license (don't ask me why i didn't pass my drivers test. Don't.) Soon we pulled over to my house, i decided to stop by at home first because i desperately needed some me time. And hello i wasn't going to a movie marathon in this clothing. No, a stop home was a must.

  Blouses off. Hair up. Sweats on. I quickly made myself some frozen pizza and sat down for tv. My mom is always home late, my brother Daniel was coming back from nyc tomorrow and my dad was in korea on a business trip, so me time it is. yes! Big bang theory was on!! So i just sat there for an hour and went upstairs to get ready, I pulled out my vintage bell bottoms and a white sweater from Brandy Melville. I put on my vans slip ons underneath. With some lip balm and a sixties pony i was out the door. I locked the door and hopped on my bike.

I reached Logan's house after stopping to buy some pizza.
"Out of the way hot pizza coming through!"
I had memorized his house so i headed straight for the kitchen.

  Of course Kate was late so we sat down and talked for a while, a little later just before the doorbell rang logan said he needed to tell me something. Me being me of course I flipped out, but I hid it really well because I'm totally incredible at hiding my feelings, duh. After Kate came in we got comfortable and hit the movies. I adore classic teen movies (if you haven't seen Ferris Buellers day off, you're doing it wrong). We both ended up almost fainting during horror while Kate laughed. Sometimes i question how we ever became friends.

And by the time it hit twelve we decided to leave, cinderella needs her beauty sleep you know. Within minutes we were at my house and in my room. Kate was sleeping over due to her mom being stuck in traffic. While getting ready we talked about what me and Logan did before she came. I told her not much had happened except when he said he needed to tell me something. Kate says that he was going to tell me he had feelings for me which is what I was hoping for.

" You know daph" she said "People don't sit around waiting for people forever. You need to be brave and tell him how you feel and if he doesn't feel the same way-which he totally does- your gonna get right back up because like I said people don't wait for people forever"

Kate was right but being rejected by the boy you like just seems really scary. I mean what if we stopped being friends? I would hate that, I don't want him to completely walk out of my life but I don't want to keep pretending forever either.

  Kate started getting into bed when she saw my drawings, I love to design and create clothes, in the future I hope to have a steady job as a designer and a fashion writer. I had a blog as of now and it had a decent amount of viewers. Kate sometimes helped me run the posts each week and helped me make some of my dresses.

  A couple of days ago Kate had told me to tell my mom about my plans for the future and when i told her she was thrilled! Because of that my mother invited me to go to her studio with her, of course when i heard this I was crazy excited and when i asked Kate to come with me we both almost fell off the bed.

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