Mirror's Edge

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I can tell you now,
Its gonna be a while,
Before this mask of happiness
Comes off to reveal a true smile
I cant help it
The mirrors aren't helping me
They wanna reflect on something else
Besides on whats hurting me
Its been worse
The cracks are spreading out
As they seep inside of me
While my mind has doubts
as to what im seeing
I pick it up
And hold the mirror in front of me
And i see some one else
Reflected through the light beams
It wasnt like that before
I used to reflect it onto objects at free will
But it only reflects darkness claiming land like he's ona Kings Hill
I hold it up.
And i dont see another me
I see you
Lost in the sea of insanity
You hold it up
And you see me
Stuck in a void
Of depressions games marked out in concrete
I hold it up to you
And i dont see another image
Just blurred out lines
Used to smear our vision
I just wanna take the mirror
And smash it against the street
And listen to the shatter
And its lustful beats
The mirror reveals a way to truth
If reflects on what it sees
But who said truth didnt lie?
Now its not all that it seems
Is all we use to see
It lets us use thoughts more
And let us be who we can be
Pick up
All the tiny glass shards
And take each one
And stab it in a bunch of different hearts
Let them use it
Let it remind them to reflect
On everything they do
And give everything respect
Its just the Norm
It's something you should do
If you wanna keep living life
And continue being you
The reflection
Its a master of control
It can easily change our life
With just a light simple pull
Just watch it
Stare at it deeply
Show the mirror who you are
Fix every pixel completely
You know who you are
You know what you look like
Stop letting people change you
And letting the Mirrors Edge tell you what's right

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