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"Iwa-chaan~!" A familiar voice rang in the speaker of the phone once Hajime slid his finger on the screen to accept the call. Hajime let out an exasperated sigh, but the corners of his mouth still turned up at the sound of Tooru's bright chatter through the smartphone.

"So Iwa-chan, you know how Makki rudely pointed out that my fringe was getting too long for his liking? I was thinking you could cut it for me!"

Iwaizumi could hear a faint sound of snipping scissors in the background.

"Why can't you do it yourself?"

Tooru laughed.
"Because if I did it myself it would be out of balance, Iwa-chan~ Don't you remember when I tried to cut it in fourth grade? We learned that I was no good with scissors!" Oikawa giggled quietly.

Iwaizumi chuckled softly at the memory of young Tooru's fringe incident.
"Yet you were still happy because you thought you looked like an alien. That was just you, though. Everyone else thought you looked like a half bald old man." Iwaizumi raised a brow, already visualizing Oikawa pout at the statement.

"That's mean, Iwa-chan! I looked like an alien! Everyone thought so!" Oikawa pouted. "But that's besides the point! Come over and cut my hair~" Iwaizumi heard another snip of scissors in the background. "And before you say anything else, Iwa-chan, I know you think it's late, but it's only 7 o' clock! And I'm lonely~"

Rolling his eyes and letting out a quick sigh, Hajime agreed and they hung up. He placed the phone down and looked outside the glass balcony door of his apartment. Rain lightly pattered the glass, also watering Hajime's plant sitting atop his balcony wall. He only had the one plant (and he didn't know what type it was) that Tooru had given him for his birthday earlier that year. Oikawa had bought an identical one to hang on his own balcony railing, but what the plants represented was unknown to Hajime. He grunted softly as he stood up from the warm comfort of his couch while stuffing his phone into his sweatpants pocket and grabbed his keys and jacket, snatching his umbrella on his way out.


Oikawa poked his head out above the sofa backseat after hearing light knocking on his door.

"Come in~!" He smiled, knowing who it was already.
He heard an assortment of grumbling and the jangling of keys before the door clicked and was pushed open by a slightly soaked figure.

"Why do you even knock, Iwa-chan~? You have my spare key because I'm allowing you to come in whenever you like." Oikawa rested his head upon his folded arms on the sofa backseat's top, tilting his curious head at Iwaizumi. He only received a glare in return and watched as Iwaizumi set his umbrella against the wall, toeing out of his drenched sneakers.

"I don't need your spare key, Dumbkawa. You should keep it under your mat or something in case you get locked out." Hajime padded over and sank down onto the couch besides Tooru.

"Aaah, Iwa-chan! This is a new sofa! You can't filthy it yet with rain water!" Oikawa jumped up and ran into his bedroom and fumbled around for a T-shirt and sweatpants, both previously owned by Iwaizumi, then borrowed by Oikawa after he himself had been drenched in rain during a previous trip to Iwaizumi's. When Tooru rushed out of his bedroom, he saw Iwaizumi already stripping his wet attire off.
Oikawa stopped. Pausing for a moment, he didn't realize his breath had been stolen from him as he watched Hajime pull his wet shirt off his toned body. It was as if his vision suddenly closed everything else but his childhood best friend off. The way his defined muscles glistened slightly in the living room light was enough to make Oikawa hold his breath in awe. He glanced away and shook his head.

"What is it?" Hajime stared curiously at Tooru, a hand now placed on his hip.

"Oh, nothing, Iwa-chan~" Hajime raised one brow in question, but shrugged it off, now slipping his wet socks off his feet. Oikawa tossed the clothing to him, purposefully timing it so that Iwaizumi wasn't looking and let him get a faceful of clothing. Iwaizumi's shout was muffled by the objects of attack as he stumbled a step back, then grabbed the clothing off his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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