Almost Gone

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I've been staring out my window for three hours now. I have my earbuds in blasting music. Today is the day. They day the love of my life broke my heart. The day my mother disowned me. The day my father died. This day exactly five years those three horrible things happened to me. Today though five years later i'm going to end it. All the pain, the misery, the suffering. Today is the day.
Flashback: "You're just being difficult we are not moving away just because of some stupid guy" My mother yelled at me.
"He's not just a stupid guy" I screamed back
"You say you hate him but you keep defending him" she said
"That's because I love him mom." "I love him so damn much." "I love him so much i hate him, and you know what he doesn't give a shit about me." "He never has and he never will." "Why can't you see that i'm hurt and the only way i'm going to get over him if is I take a break from all this."
"When did my daughter become so hopeless and lost just because of a dumb boy" my mother interrupted me from my ranting.
"When that dumb boy captured her heart" she whispered
"Excuse me"
"You heard me. I said leave I don't want a pathetic heartbroken girl to take care of so you can pack your bags and leave."
"I thought you loved me"
"Well you thought wrong." "Did you ever think that maybe you were a mistake." "Do you ever wonder why i'm only 20 years older than you." "You are a mistake that I never needed in my life so get out now" "I was waiting until you screwed up so badly i would have to kick you out of the house!" Seems like the time has come so leave!"She screamed.
Flashback Ended

As I was walking towards the bridge the song Endlessly came on. The same song that he sang to me all those years ago. That pushed over my breaking point. I know what you're probably thinking wow she's so pathetic still heartbroken from a guys she dated five whole years ago. Well yeah i am, he ruined me. Shattered me into pieces so small not even the greatest glass artist can fix me.
When I finally reached the bridge it was just past midnight. I could see the moon reflecting on the water so beautiful and bright. As the song ended i'm climbed on to the railing and screamed. After a few minutes I calmed down and started thinking.
What would have happened if I never met him. If I never fell for him. If he never turned my life upside down.
I stopped thinking and just as I was about to jump, someone grabbed my arm and said "please don't do this"
"Why would you care" I sneered "It's not like you care about me" "You and the rest of world"I mumbled
"Why would you say that." I'm sure lots of people care for you." He stated
Well I don't see any of my friends here so I guess you're wrong." I said
"What about your parents?" He asked
"My parents?" My parents well one of them disowned me five years ago and the other died from cancer the same day." "Still think people care about me." "Well think again." I shot back
"Oh my god" he whispered
"What?" I said
"Elena?" He said with tears in his eyes
"Louis?" I responded shocked
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