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Nike sat on her windowsill, watching Mr and Mrs Anderson being dragged from their home. She had no idea what "crime" they could've possibly committed. The Anderson's were an older couple, 74 and 77. Nike considered them to be her grandparents, they had been there for her since the day she was born. Her vision was blurred by tears when she saw the guard retrieve a knife from his pocket. Nike was pulled out of her trance, literally pulled. Her mother yanked her by the back of her shirt away from the window. "Nike! You should not be watching that." Her mother said sternly. "You're 16 years old, for god's sake! You shouldn't be exposed to this sort of stuff already!" Nike wrapped her arms around her mother and cried into her shoulder. Her mother stroked her hair comfortingly. "It's okay, baby. I'll never let that happen to us."

Nike stood in front of the punching bag, her dad on the other side. She was in her fighting lesson. "Okay Nike, you can do this. You can perfect that roundhouse kick. Whenever you're ready." She spun and landed a kick on the bag, not a very powerful one. She wasn't very energised, she'd just had her maths lesson. "Nike, pretend this punching bag is the dictator. The dictator who order to have Mr and Mrs Anderson arrested. This is your revenge. You can do this, Nike." Her father encouraged. Rage built up inside her. The dictator prohibited education of children. They classes her parents taught her were illegal. If the dictator found out, her parents would be taken away. She spun around and kicked the bag with all the force she could muster. The bag went flying across the room. She let out a small out of breath laugh. "Well, Nike. You definitely perfected it."

"Nike, your 500 word paper on child workers is well overdue! You might just fail history." Her mother taught her history, she was incredibly strict. "Okay, Mrs Overton. I will finish writing the paper." Nike laughed, she found it hilarious how her mother made her call her that. She started on the last 100 words of her paper. She was just about to finish when the door was kicked down.

"Harold and Susan Overton, you are under arrest for the education of Nike Overton!" Three guards had come through the door, one ran towards Nike and lifted her off her feet. The other two went towards her parents and pinned them to the ground. "Get off me! Let me go!" Nike yelled, she was kicking and squirming. She watched as her parents were taken through the door. The guard took her after. Harold and Susan were put in a black car with tinted windows, it was impossible to see in. After they left, she was put into one of the same. "Have fun at your new foster home, kiddo." The guard laughed evilly. As the car drove, she knew what she had to do.

Nike Overton was going to kill the dictator.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2016 ⏰

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