Chapter 1- Both

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       " Prince Maxon in the Selection there will be requirements for you and as for them we expect you to meet.

#1 you can't force them into doing something they don't approve of. And 

#2 You need to take time with every girl, don't pick favorites.

There will be 7 twos threes and fours, and one each of the lower castes. I suggest if you're wise you'll keep a seven or eight for a while so the public will not think of you as picking the rich." My so called 'wise advisor' said. 

In reality I want a selection because maybe father will loosen his hold on me knowing I have a wife and heir if I'm lucky. Father thinks I'm not meant for the throne. I bet if he had another son younger than me he would give them the throne. I always thought when I was little he said he would seceretly adopt a son and say it's his for the throne so I couldn't have it but he never did instead when I found out he would never do that he started to whip me. Now I still bear it today and I have the scars to prove it.

〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰America POV〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰

       Work. That's my life. No home. No family. No love. This can't be living. If this is living then how can people be fortunate to have such a good life for doing nothing. They're born so privilaged and me? Dirt. That's what I am and will always be. My mother died when I was five. While she was having my brother. Since she didn't have anyone to help her. Give her guidence. She didn't have a what's it called when someone medical helps another for money? Oh right a doctor. We didn't have those. She didn't have anyone not our dad that's for sure. My biological dad? I have no clue where he went and I'm glad he might still be in prison he used to beat me senseless after my mom died until he went to jail for Robbery. Never heard from him after that, I remember it perfectly and have the scars to prove it. Gerad my brothers dad is a rich slob who raped my mom on the streets. Never seen or heard from him. It doesn't matter anyways I don't care. I have a dream that gets me through everything and that's singing just singing. My mom took me when I was little to a music store and I loved it since. After mom died I saved up a penny every day so I could buy a guitar and go by a forest that's by where me and Gerad live and I sing to my content. I still do. 

       I'm going to watch the report today with Gerad while I study. Yup sadly enough people care more about our education then we'll being. I mean they want us to learn so when we work we end up dying of exhaustion anyways. 

"Gerad? You ready?" I yelled across the shed.

"Yeah let's go" he responded quietly. 

〰〰〰 2 Hours later〰〰〰〰〰〰

"Come on think about it. You could be queen. Live out your life. Never be hungry won't you at least try?" Gerad said making me break. He deserves more. I made a promise never to let anyone hurt him I never let dad touch him even if I took all the beatings for him it was worth it I couldn't have dad touch him and blame him for moms death.

"Okay I'll go in tomorrow okay?" I said cheering him up.

"Thanks." He responded he's quite and doesn't always speak his mind but if he did  I'd be disappointed so I don't say anything.

I'm going to sign up for the selection I thought to myself. The selection where the Prince chooses someone out of 35 girls to be queen. It sounds stupid doesn't he have any other way it makes me sick I would hate to have to have that I'd rather be alone for that matter.

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