Feelings aren't good?

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     I am at a crossroads in my love life to be quite blunt. And to be quite honest my aforememtioned words do not justly describe my messed circumstance. I caught a vaps tonight (vaps = trini slang for spurr of the moment action) and I started researching greek mythology on love. According to greek mythology, humans were oroginally created with 4 arms, 4 legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into 2 separate parts, condeming them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.
     CONDEMING THEM! Those two words are haunting to be honest. Call me overly critical but, Greek mythology said what? Zeus split them into 2 separate parts condeming them to spend their lives in search of their other halves. I am seriously having a culture shock here and to be honest questioning my very existence (I know, I'm overly dramatic, no meed to point out the obvious). I have never considered the search for love as me searching for a missing part of me... but then again, is that why I seem to have a feeling of absenteism resignating within the deep parts of my being? Or is that feeling of absenteism equal to weakness, because tumblr, facebook and every fucking thing and body makes it seem as though wanting a partner means that a person is emotionally unstable.
     How is this for emotionally unstable? A birage of humans automatically think that feelings aren't cool anymore and dropping people depicts emotional strength and all these messed up things... SIGH. God forbid you catch feelings, make sure when you do, to have those things in check. Yes, in check lol, as if its some sort of disease that one can die from. As if feelings are something that one must not have in abundance. Are we closer to the greek's perception of love than we'd like to admit? Is having or searching or expecting a partner condemnation. Because I feel like we are experiencing a system that's current project is the obliteration of feelings and love.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2016 ⏰

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