Introduction ~

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Authors Note

Just letting you all know before I type this. What you are about to read is a random fanfiction that I had decided to write that includes me and my friend's characters. Understand that it takes place in our DBZ universe where we have gotten involved with the characters romantically (but not like that cause we are in high school -3-). Our series is call Saiyan High School and if the characters seem a little too OOC for you then you don't have to read it. Also, I refer to Broly as my 'son' because my character Hunter had technically "adopted" him. She cares for her motherly at points in time, but not constantly. I just posted this because I found the uncompleted story and my friends wanted me to finish it so they can see how it ends ^^ 

So, let me just remind you that this is a fanfiction in an alternate universe, which means that anything from my imagination can happen~

All characters belong to their respective owners~

Hunter belongs to me, Nabi belongs to NabiMurphy, Dani belongs to our friend Dani :)

I hope you enjoy this~


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