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3 years had passed since Sammy's funeral. I sat around at home, the tv playing some idiotic reality show, and listened to my roommates fight. Cole bickered with his girlfriend, who had moved in a few weeks ago. All they seemed to do was fight. But he still thinks she is the one. Whatever. Zack and Kayleigh were still together. He was lucky. And I was alone, still. I couldn't move on from Sam. I truly believed she was the one. I tried to date, but I just ended up pushing them out. So I just stopped dating. I visit her grave site regularly. It helps me feel calm. Today was nothing different. I went up to my room and grabbed a light jacket from my hook. Before running out of my room, I stopped by the bookshelf. The letter was still tucked in there.

We had just left where Sammy has been buried. I couldn't stop crying, no matter what. My mind always wandered back to her. And the last time I had seen her before she left me. I stayed in bed for days, I refused to do anything and had missed a few days of school. One day my mom knocked on the door.

"Sweetheart, I have something for you," she said opening the door

"What is it?" I asked

"It's a letter, from Sammy,"

I took the letter and studied it. My name was printed in her cursive writing. My mind was going crazy just looking at her handwriting. I missed her so much.

"Mrs. Neilson gave this to me at the funeral. I waited to give it to you because I knew you wouldn't want it on the first day after. Just read it when you like Jaden, and don't rush it. If you aren't ready, you aren't ready, okay?"

I nodded still studying the perfectly white envelope. She added a heart sticker to seal it closed. I stuck it in my shelf, where it would stay until I moved.

I decided today was the day I would read he letter from her and grabbed the letter off of the shelf. I figured Cole would know where I went, and I left. I drove to the graveyard and got out. I slowly made my way back over, the letter in my hand. My heart was racing this time. I wasn't sure if I was ready to read this letter. My hands became sweaty despite the fact that it was a cool October day. I wiped them on my jacket and sat down.

"Okay Sammy, I finally decided to read this. I think I'm ready." I said looking at her head stone

There was no response per usual. I don't know why I talked as if she was still here, and could hear me, but I did. I took a shaky breath as I carefully removed the sticker from the envelope. The sticker had faded from a bright red to a dull pink color, and the envelope had become an off white shade. I pulled out two papers from the envelope. Folded inside one of them was a picture of us. I decided to read the back of that first.

Hopefully when you see this, you'll remember me, and everything we did together. I hope you haven't forgotten me. I will never forget you, because my love for you is eternal. I really am madly in love with you, and I always will be. Don't forget about me, J.
Love, Sammy.

I flipped the picture back over, tears blurring my vision. I quickly wiped away those tears so I could focus in on her beautiful face. She smiled at the camera, but my focus was on her. She was wearing her favorite Sabres jersey. Her hair was perfectly straight, with a Penn State beanie covering her forehead. The snow had gotten caught in her hair and eyelashes. Her cheeks were flushed red and so was her nose. She had her arms around me, and I had mine around her.

"Trust me Sammy, I will never forget about you, or us." I sniffled

I wasn't sure if I was actually ready to read this letter. I had gotten so worked up over a simple photo and a small note written on the back of it. Maybe I should save it for another day. I decided I would. I stuffed the letter back into the envelope, and held the picture in my hand. I got back to my car and drove myself back to the small apartment. I stuffed the envelope into my pocket and went back the small hallway to my room. The fighting had stopped, and it was quiet in the apartment. I flopped on the bed and looked at the picture again. I got up and put it in a frame and hung it on the wall. Yet another picture of Sammy and I to hang on the wall. I pulled off my jacket and grabbed Sammy's old USA hockey sweatshirt and put it on. It still had a faint scent of her perfume on it. I loved it. I walked out to the kitchen area where Cole was sitting at the table having a soda.

"How are things with you and Abigail?" I asked walking past him in the kitchen

"We broke up. I got tired of her constant bitching. She's a drama queen," he rolled his eyes

"I'm sorry bro," I said

"It's not a big deal. She wasn't the one," he scoffed throwing away his can

I sat on the couch with Cole in silence for a little, both of us pretending to be interested in the dumb reality show that had been playing all day.

"Let's go out tonight," Cole finally said

"Fine, but I'm not drinking anything, and you're not bringing another girl home," I laughed

"Whatever Henny," Cole laughed along slapping me on the arm before getting up to go to his room.

I got up and went to my room as well, and prepared for a night out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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