Chapter 1

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Bree ' s  p.o.v  

After  a years worth of homework from my old school I was finally free!! Oh!Hi!,I'm Bree Davenport  I move a lot so it's hard to keep track of things. Anyways, I'm going to a new school Mission Creak High I'm not that excited.Every boy just stares at me weird and....uh. Well I'm 16 and single but I always say I'm taken when boys ask me out. I really need to go to sleep so goodnight.

Chases p.o.v  

Hi I'm Chase Henderson  the school jock. I have the best girlfriend  in the world Kim, she let's  me do anything I want so..... anyways I'm 16 and taken obviously !! So I have also slept with every girl in he school even though  I broke their hearts they still adore me. I have a wonderful life I'm rich and hot what else  can a guy ask for??!?!! 

~Time  Skip  ~  

Brees p.o.v  

I finally got my schedule  let's see locker 23 combination    234936 easy.  Boys were staring g at me again.... one tried to squeeze  my butt, that didn't end well for him   at least  I beat him up. Literally.I punched so hard one of his teeth fell out. Right when I thought I was out of trouble he showed up.

Chases  p.o.v  

I went to see Kim she was with Jack. Huh?They are never together what's going  on. I have to find out. Right when I was about to leave because nothing had been happening . I heard Kim say" We have to tell them Jack especially,Chase." Huh? Tell me what?"I Know  Kim but just a little longer ok." Kim nodded in response. Then right then and there they kissed!She has been cheating  on me with Jack, my best friend. But now my worst enemy. As soon as I thought  things couldn't  get any worse she showed  up.

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