Fury by Cookieninja450

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Will was tired and weary. He had been riding for days, no sleep or breaks. He had a mission. To get the Genovesan so he could tell them which flower he used for the poison.

Halt was dying. The Genovesan had poisoned him, and now Will was trying to save his life. He had gotten the Genovesan and now they were going back to the camp where he had left Horace and Malcolm to take care of Halt.

They had reached their campsite. Will swung off his horse and collapsed on the ground. He heard footsteps sprinting, and a familiar voice awoke him. "Will! Wake up!" He opened his eyes. "Ummmhhh..?" he murmured.

"You have to wake up. Halt's in trouble." those eight words jerked him awake. "What happened?" he asked bolting up. "He's awfully white, and Malcolm said he doesn't have much more time left." Horace said.

They reached Halt's tent, and Will stepped inside. Halt was so pale he was as white as snow. Will turned to Malcolm. "What flower is it?" Malcolm had a sad look on his face as he turned to Will. "The Genovesan won't say."

Fury boiled up inside of him. He had traveled miles and miles, went without sleep, all so the Genovesan wouldn't open that big mouth of his?

He swept out of the tent to where the Genovesan was tied up. He stared at him with hatred in his eyes. "Which. Flower. Is. It. Answer. Me. Now." he said.

The Genovesan stared at him, and then said, with a cruel smile, said, "I forget." Will exploded. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU FORGET? YOU TELL ME AND YOU TELL ME NOW!" he lifted the man up by the collar of his shirt. He raised his knife. "Tell me.. Else...." he said through clenched teeth.

"I can't remember." he whispered. Will screamed in frustration. He swung back, and was about to launch the Genovesan forward when a weak, familiar, voice yelled, "Will, don't!" Will dropped the Genovesan and turned around.

There, on the ground, by the flap of the tent, was Halt. Still sickly pale and white, but looking much better, was Halt. Will stared. "Halt?" he gasped. Halt smiled. "Malcolm found the remains of the white flower in his bag, so he figured out it was the white one. I'm okay now."

Will ran up to Halt and hugged him. Tears of relief flowed down his cheeks. Halt hugged him back.

"Thank you, for everything. I know I am definitely the proudest father in the entire world." whispered Halt.

Aww..... So sweet and emotional! This is the only chapter. Review!

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