The Case

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------IN THE BAU-----
Reid POV:
I was sitting at my desk in the bull pen room, doing my paper work as I looked up and saw Garcia and JJ
"We've got a case" Garcia says
"Ok" I says as I noticed the worried look on JJ's face and grabbed her arm as she started walking off.
"What's wrong JJ?" I asked
"Nothing wrong Spence, just thinking about the case" JJ said as Garcia had already told JJ about the cast?
I looked at JJ and nodded as we walked to the round table room.
I sat down and so did JJ and Garcia began explaining the case,
"Women and men in there late 20's early 30's, the unsub doesn't have a type, they have been kidnapped, tortured and drugged" Garcia says
"Drugged? What drug?" Morgan asked as he look at me
"D..Diluted" Garcia said as everyone went silent as looked at me and I stared at my hands, even Rossi was in with the silents as Hotch had informed him about my drug problems and kid...kidnapping.
Morgan broke this silents by asking "how long were they keep before getting killed?"
Garcia replied "2-3days"
And with that Hotch said "wheels up in 30 and we were of.

------ON THE PLANE-------

I was first to enter the jet and I sat down window seat in the middle of the plane. Prentiss say next to me and I didn't really notice were the other sat as I start having a flash back.

I was deep in my flash back as I heard Hotch say "let's start".

I opened the case file and we discussed the case and then Hotch telled us were to go "Reid, you and JJ go to M.E, Morgan and Prentiss go talk to the families and Rossi, your coming with me, we will set up at the police station".

When the plane landed me and JJ got in one car, JJ driving.
I was sitting in the passenger seat, breathing deeply hope JJ couldn't hear me and looking out the window.


I was driving when I heard Reid and I turned and looked at him and I noticed he was silent, looking out the window so I asked "Hey Spence, you ok? You seem upset and worried and you are bei....." Before I could finish my sentience Reid interpreted and said "Yeah, I'm find JJ".
I was still worried about him "if your worried, upset or just need to talk, you will tell and talk to me right"
Reid replied "you know I will"
I kinda smiled, still worried about Reid but was hoping he would open up soon, so I gave him a bit of space.

------THE M.E------

Reid and I entered them M.E and put my gloves on, Spence already had his on and he stared looking at the body as we listened and then Reid re-read the M.E report and I looked at him.


Prentiss's POV:

The families of the victims were at the police station, so me, Morgan, Rossi and Hotch came in one car.
When we got there me and Morgan walked over to the families and Morgan said "Hi, my name is Derek Morgan and this is Emily Prentiss" I wave as Morgan continues speaking "and we work for the FBI. May we ask you a few questions"
"Of corse" the families relied and we all went to sit down.

"Miss Smith, I would like to say how sorry I am for your loss" I start "I know this is tough but we need your help"
Miss Smith the mother who loss her oldest son nodded
"When was the last time your saw your son?" Morgan asked
"2 weeks ago" Miss Smith stared "we were umm..going to see each other again" she said being the cry. So I comforted her while we asked the questions.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2016 ⏰

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