Lily Potter's love

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Lily sighed as she glanced into her floor length mirror. She was stunning there was no denying it. Her glossy red hair hung perfectly, framing her pretty face, she naturally had a body that most girls would starve for. Nearly every boy in the school hoped for a chance with her; of course it helped being the chosen one's only daughter but yet she had still never had a proper boyfriend. She just found them all so...boring. There was no excitement they all worshipped her and did what ever she wanted. No surprises, no risks. It can't all be like this she sighed again. "Lily come on we're leaving in five minutes!" her older brother James shouted through the wooden door to her bedroom. "coming" she replied. She put some lipgloss on and went downstairs to where her brothers James and Albus were waiting. "You took your time" James remarked and ruffled her hair. Their parents were on holiday so James was driving them to Hogwarts. He had left last year and had started has training to be an auror. They arrived at kings cross and slipped through the wall to platform 9 and 3/4. James hugged Lily goodbye and waved them off as the hogwarts express left the platform.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2013 ⏰

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