You can win..

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I would rather go to school, prove to those who hated on me for the past 16 years of my life that I will make it, and actually try to follow my dream of becoming an art teacher and helping those around me, than go to parties, drink because what my parents wont know wont kill them, and "sleep around" then brag about it. I want to be the one in my family to prove that if you actually try in this generation, you will get somewhere no matter how many times you have broken down. I want to be the own to actually have high school friends when we graduate. I want to probe that I can have my own family and teach them that the generation I grew up in was just a "phase". But kids 12+ are drinking, smoking, having sex and blaming it on their home life! Well, smarten up. You can still set goals, you can still have dreams, and yes people will crush them, people will get in the way, but once you come out on top and prove them wrong, look who wins it all, you.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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